- Hebrews 2
Among the many noble titles ascribed to Jesus, two of my favorite are "The Son of Man," and "The Second Adam."
Where Adam was our one common ancestor: the single common denominator uniquely equipped to represent all of humanity and therefore bring death to our race through his disobedience, so likewise Christ had to be made in such a way that He could do the same.
He to be just like us. Same thoughts, same pains, same temptations. In fact, it is my own rather odd belief that Jesus was a DNA match of Adam. This is one of the reasons Mary was favored. It was why a single nation, or family, was chosen for the development of God's plan. It is why He came "in the fullness of time."
So for a number or reasons it's good that God planned it this way:
- Jesus knows what it's like to be human (the full experience, from the womb to the grave)
- He was Himself qualified and worthy to face the same tests as Adam and defeat sin and death
Perhaps that's why He waited until He was about 30 to begin his ministry. By the time you're 30 you're pretty well settled into your life: who you are, what you will do. You've had to manage a home, pay bills, deal with plenty of adversity, by then.
Perfect . . .