Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Ten Years Gone: Justice, Indeed


This entry was first published on Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Reflectionary VI

Who gives justice to those who are oppressed, and food to those who hunger?

The LORD sets the prisoners free

the LORD opens the eyes of the blind

the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down.

The LORD loves the righteous

the LORD cares for the stranger

he sustains the orphan and widow

but frustrates the way of the wicked.

If I were interested in social justice. . . .

That's all.

If I were interested in social justice, and that was my chief driving passion . . . . 

And if I had no particular religious convictions about the matter. If I were a humanist, a Liberal, a Progressive, even an atheist . . . .

If I in fact secretly considered myself superior to these religious people, especially the Christians in their fine homes and comfortable lifestyles, preaching at others about sin and morality, while doing little more than creating some window-dressing as evidence of my charity . . . . 

But if the thing more important to me than anything, was that people live in freedom, with all their needs supplied, with all their ills cured, with all their hopes fulfilled . . . . 

Then I would swallow my pride and take biblical verses like the ones referenced above (from the Psalms), and create common ground with the millions and millions of Christians on earth - - - a mass of people that want more than anything to be told they reminded others of Christ.

I would cheerfully quote these verses, and with a glad spirit invite my Christian brethren to join with me in bringing to pass these beautiful words from the Bible.

I would put away all of my predispositions regarding lifestyle, orientation, politics, pop culture, morality, for these are all minor considerations compared to the dire needs of the dreadfully sick and starving throughout the world.

I wouldn't let the Christians know that in my mind I felt I was using them. For the needs of those in poverty far outweigh my need to be thought of as intelligent and relevant.

If I really cared about the sick, the poor, those in prison, the homeless, the immigrant, the widow, and the orphan, this is what I would do.

I would put away my personal agenda, and join up with others whose driving passion is also to serve the needy. 

And I wouldn't care if they were religious.

I would even force myself to say "Merry Christmas," if it helped the helpless.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

TEN YEARS GONE - Return, Indeed


This post was first published on Monday, December 9, 2013. It has been edited a little bit, in 2024, for clarity.


Reflectionary V

And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

The older we get, the more we pine for the days of our youth, or that is, for youth itself. The memories of playing on our street with good friends; of family events with lots of cousins running around; of young love; the birth of our first child, and experiencing all of our children's events and activities; our grandchildren when they visit . . . 

I pine for my Autumn Lane Neighborhood, and my good friends there, that I would see every day, that I grew up with. I long for one more overnight stay at the Turnbow Farm with my cousins; or one more Darr Christmas Party while Grandpa and Grandma were still living, except that the family members that came later would be miraculously transported to that time and place, so that they would understand what we're talking about.

The Kingdom of God is like that. It is like going back to those times. The wonderful future events - the Return of Christ -  will be just like going back to the best days of our lives. Therefore the redeemed of the Earth "shall return."

It's too bad "Zion" has taken on such a politically-charged meaning. When we talk about "Zion," we're simply referring to that return - of going back to glory days, to plenty, to peace and happiness. And no matter what culture you come from, this is something everybody wants.

It is something worth waiting for. If you could return to the very best of life . . . . wouldn't you think it worthwhile to become one of the "ransomed"?

Monday, January 1, 2024

TEN YEARS GONE: Unity, Indeed


This post was first published Saturday, November 23, 2013/ 2024 commentary follows.


Reflectionary IV

Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!

The nations make much ado, and the kingdoms are shaken; God has spoken, and the earth shall melt away.

He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

And they cast lots to divide his clothing.

When we separate ourselves into camps, or divisions, or denominations, we are not much different than those at the Cross, that cast lots to gain possession of a piece of Christ's garment. But where they only divided up His clothing, we have successfully divided His body, for two millennia.

Why must we divide? The enemy on the battlefield can only dream that we may become "divided." Divide and conquer has always been a classic and effective military strategy!

Do we separate out our camps, so that we may individually gain more control, or power? (Power is a highly recognized dysfunctional need of humans). Once we have established control over our camp, is it not our next goal to grow it, so that it may swallow up its rivals?

Humanity, when unified against God, is a terrible thing. The more power we have, the more evil we become.

Humanity, when unified in obedience to God, is an amazing instrument of good works, of charity, and of love.

Human divisions are called "Kingdoms," or "nations." But this is not the best way for us. Together we can do great things. And Christ commanded that His Body, The Church, not be divided!

The anti-Christian forces in the world today marvel that we are so divided and scattered, as it makes their job that much easier. We need to do whatever it takes to grow, to unify, and to expand. And we need to do it as Christ would: by sacrificing ourselves in acts of kindness and love, to the Lord's most needy children, found in every corner of the Earth.
2024 Commentary: So exactly how would this idea of unity play out? For one thing, I do not think it would be easy to find a Christian prognosticator attacking other Christians, on-line (usually) or in print. Pulpits would not be devoted to virtue signaling the host church's superior faculties of expressing "love," "acceptance" and "tolerance." It's a whole lot easier to talk about virtue, than it is actually to do virtue. 
Yes, the Church must judge itself. It must call out sin and error on the part of other professing Christian groups. But that doesn't have to be done from the virtual billboard of the World Wide Web. If possible, the world should barely even know there are disagreements within the Church. It should have to dig hard, to find it. 

We should not be siding with temporal political parties, against other Christians. At 63 years of age, I am convinced of this. It may be the only thing I have to offer the world; but I feel it starkly and I am convicted profoundly in my intellect. We should not be involved in "the culture wars," from the standpoint of drawing lines of division between us and other believers. We should take our differences into a closed door, and prayerfully hash things out there. 

It could be that two apparent incompatible ideas can both be right, at the same time? But isn't that just like God? He is both Judge and Father. He is angry and gentle. He casts out, and takes in. He extends correction, but offers grace. Shouldn't the Body of Christ likewise devote itself to manifesting these competing values, successfully?

A great writer, I believe Longfellow, said (paraphrasing) "Do I contradict myself? Very well. I contain multitudes). 

How much more, the Church. And how much more God Himself. 
In 2024 - CHURCH: BE DIVIDED NO MORE! This is my earnest prayer. 

TEN YEARS GONE: Enemies, Indeed


This blog was first published on Friday, October 11, 2013. I am very happy with this one. It needs no "2023 commentary." If anything, it is more relevant today, than it was in 2013. 


Reflectionary II

But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

You let enemies ride over our heads; we went through fire and water; but you brought us out into a place of refreshment.

… warn them before God that they are to avoid wrangling over words, which does no good but only ruins those who are listening.

Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?

Who are your enemies?

Your ex-wife or husband? Your boss? Your in-laws? A neighbor? A friend that has been gossiping about you? A co-worker? Someone in your distant past, that has influenced every bad decision you made in your life?

Or is that too harsh of a word: "enemies"?

If you're like me, you find yourself wishing ill upon another person, or other people, maybe several times a day. When we observe children expressing such views, we recognize it instantly as immature and self-centered. Nevertheless, when you wish bad things would happen to someone else, is it fair to say that that person is your "enemy"? (Someone will protest and say - "No, that person is not my enemy. I love her and that's why I want her to learn a lesson." But I guess that makes it okay, as long as it's not a child making the same case.)

But God tells us that, when we are in some unfavorable situation, to pray for the ones responsible for it, and to work for their welfare! Your ex-spouse continues to be someone whom you should serve and help!

God says that these hateful circumstances that others visit upon us, are things God lets happen; but in the end He gives us peace and rest! Your clueless boss is actually working on your behalf, as God's agent! (She just doesn't know it!)

These people that are spreading hateful, and harmful gossip about you, are actually bringing ruin to the people they are talking to!! In fact, anybody gossiping about you, or fostering divisions among us, are actually not hurting you at all, unless you listen to it!  

And in the end, the people that end up getting words of wisdom like the above, end up being the one you would least expect: someone on the edge of society, an outsider, a foreigner, an underprivileged person - - - people that come first to mind when you think of "enemy". They are a deep minority, like 10%, or less, of the total population. You do not see them because you are looking in the wrong places for people that will lead you to God. In fact, I daresay that many of us will discover grace and wisdom outside the walls of our Church, from the least likely places. 

So I think that we need to let go of the very concept of "enemy." In the first place, the person you think is your friend may very well not be. The person you would think is your enemy is the one with your back. But what matter? You're supposed to pray for your enemies anyway. And if you're busy enough serving others, and thinking good thoughts about everybody, you will not have any space in your mind for negativity and gossip. 

And while you're at it, you might try avoiding gossip, from the very start. It looks like listening to it is as bad as repeating it.