Monday, December 28, 2009

Another Eye-Witness: 2 Peter 3b thru 1 John 1a

The minor epistles are precious to us. These are letters written by men who had first-hand knowledge of Jesus Christ. They saw the miracles, heard the teaching, and finally, saw the risen Lord.

John is a special case in point. He is the only epistle-writer that also wrote a Gospel. He and Matthew were the only Gospel-writers that were Apostles.

He also died of natural causes. What is it about this man, that compelled the Romans to keep him alive? He had the most dangerous information of all! He was at the Transfiguration! With Paul and James, he was one of the "Inner Circle" of disciples, with whom Jesus shared the deepest secrets!

Is this why John had his particular view of Christ. Is this why his understanding of Jesus went beyond great teacher and redeemer, to Son of God, Word-made-flesh, Living Word? John understood the deepest and most powerful aspects of God's plan. Why did the Romans keep him alive so that he could write it down, for the ages?

What was there from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we observed and felt with our hands concerning the word of Life . . .

If John were crazy, why did they not put him away for good? If he was not reputable at all, then why was he spared? The man was a close friend of Christ! He may have been the one at the cross, who Jesus charged with caring for his mother! He was like family to Jesus! He had seen more than perhaps anybody!

And then, on Patmos, he received visions never matched before or since! The entire plan of the ages unfolded before his eyes, and he wrote it down in the Book of Revelation!

Why did he live? He was an eye-witness to it all!

Why was John spared?

Praise God, that he was!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Peter's Witness: 1 Peter 5b thru 2 Peter 3a

The Apostle Peter gave us a great gift, that touches us on this Christmas week.

He was a first-hand witness to one of history's most profound events. We know about the birth of Jesus, born to a young woman, who had conceived while she was yet unmarried. (The original word translated "virgin" in modern texts, describing Mary, most accurately meant "a young maiden", or someone that was not married. But to the Hebrew mind, a young maiden was assumed to mean that the woman had not had sexual relations. Thus is the true meaning made even more profound to our modern understanding of "maidenhood" and "virginity.")

True though the Gospels are, about the circumstances and history surrounding Jesus' birth, yet we are left with second-hand accounts only.

But here, in Peter, the facts about the birth, and genealogy, and divine origins of Jesus, are reinforced with resounding and gentle force:

"My son, My beloved son, this is the one with whom I am delighted." And we heard that voice borne from the sky as we were with him on the holy mountain.

Peter, you see, was there. The man witnessed the transfiguration of Christ, and heard the voice of God declaring the man Jesus to be His son. God Himself gave witness that Jesus is His son, and Peter was there to see it.

It isn't so much that Peter witnessed it, and reported it years later, in this letter. The account is substantiated by other eye-witnesses to the events of Jesus' life.

But let's go back to the main point. At Christmastime, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. This birth is significant for a number of reasons. We can dissect the word of God, harmonize it, integrate it, collaborate it - and take an entire year doing so.

But let the simple message of today's reading be this. Jesus' birth was nothing less than the birth of God's son, here on earth. It signified the coming of the Son of God. The Second Adam was here. The Redeemer of humanity. The Lion of Judah. The Son of David and heir to his throne.

God Himself said of Jesus: "This is my son."


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Listen, and Lose the But: II Peter 3c thru 5a

If people spoke less, there would be fewer troubles in the world.

We get into so much trouble, because of what we say. And it isn't so much that we say the wrong things, as it is that we are not interpreted accurately, by our hearers. We all listen through our own biased prisms. A single word may be completely innocent to one person, but hateful to another.

Consider the word "but". I have conditioned myself to cringe a little, when someone says but.

"Oh, those are some good ideas, but . . . "

But is usually followed by something negative, or disagreeable. I read about research that was done on the frequency of use of the word but. It showed that scholarly journals tend to use the word a lot, as do speeches by politicians, and legal arguments made by attorneys. These are professions, you see, that highly value argument. They are always out to win adherents to their own viewpoints. They have to take others down a few notches, therefore they employ the but, to great effect.

Now - an exception can be made when we consider places in which God says but.

"And you were once dead, . . . children born to God's wrath, . . . . But God, rich in mercy . . . " (Ephesians 2).

The word but is used to contradict what came before. We would do well to limit its use in our own conversation.

I hate it when you try to make a comment based on Scripture, and the other person gets mad (because it does not fit their beliefs). How ridiculous! How can we ever learn, or grow, without a willingness to hear some new angle, or insight, from someone else? Can it be that God has placed other people in our lives, to show us these new things? If a person is discussing Scripture, appealing to it as God's inspired word, and they have something to share with you, then listen! Get the word out together, and learn together!

When someone speaks, let it be like God's conversations.

What does Peter mean? What if, in conversation, we treated the other person as though we were speaking to God? What if there are sharp disagreements? Can this be done?

Well, it's going to have to be done!

Peter says we should listen to others, as though it were God Himself speaking. "As you have done it to the least of these . . . "

What wonderful new insights are there for the taking, if we would but listen!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Little Checklist for Your Church: II Peter 3b

United in Purpose
What is your church's purpose? Could you even answer this question? And would your answer be the same as anyone else from your congregation? Now let me add another layer: Do all of the churches in your community have the same purpose? They should! And would all the respective members respond the same?

We're all messed up. We can't even describe the purpose of our church, and the definitions vary to a disturbing degree. We must have a purpose! And it must be agreed to by all!

Joined in Feeling
Do the same emotions run through your church body? Are we all happy together? Sad together? Do we have little twinges of delight at the news that some couple has filed for divorce?

Rudy Giuliani has a chapter in his book Leadership, called "Weddings Optional, Funerals Mandatory." Think about this. Is this the way your church operates? (And if this whole idea makes you a little angry, then you have proven that you and I, at least, are not joined in feeling!)

Full of Brotherly Love
Do you rejoice to see one another? Do you yearn to help others? Or are you too bothered with how much work you have to do, without any help, to germinate godly love towards the others in your church? If anger, tears, and even yelling, are common in your business meetings; if you have little splinter groups that get together to complain about the pastor or some other person in the church, then you are definitely lacking in brotherly love. Fix it!

Rich in Compassion
Does your church ache for the needy right down the street, or does "missions" to you mean passing a plate and sending a couple hundred dollars to Southeast Asia? But I believe Peter means for this to make us all a little uncomfortable. I think he goes beyond that, and wants us to be rich in compassion for each other! Yes, you may disagree with some choices that another person has made. But do you feel compassion for him, or her?

When you get in a situation that normally makes your blood boil, try compassion instead. Rather than be filled up with anger toward that other person, be like Christ. Realize that the other person is human like you are; fallible, not perfect. He or she would not deliberately do something to hurt you, insult you, or ignore you.

Replace your anger with compassion. We have enough anger and "toughness." Too many of you get your feelings hurt too easily. Compassion. Get some.

Humble of Spirit
Diogenes, the man who traveled the world over, in search of one honest man, could have been just as frustrated if he walked today, seeking a humble person.

What does it mean to be "humble"? You know the definition. It runs through your mind every time there is a sermon, or discussion, about humility. And you always see someone else in your mind when considering the need for us to become more humble.

But you need to look in the mirror. Are you humble? Do others think you're humble? If they could provide feedback to you, anonymously, with no fear of you getting your feelings hurt, what would they say?

You're not humble, but you need to be. It is a critical element in building God's Kingdom!

Not Paying Evil for Evil, or Slander for Slander
Someone is going to do, or say, the wrong thing, eventually, in your church. Count on it! But can you just let it go? Or will you run off as soon as you can, to spread the story to as many people as you can, about how so-and-so said or did this and that?

Every time someone hurts your feelings, or makes you mad, it's a test . . . a test you must pass! You don't feel like you're doing anything wrong! But everybody around you thinks you overreacted! Do you care what others think?

How is your walk with Christ? Is your church, or small group, growing? Can it be that you have stalled because you have corrupted the Gospel into something that you believe gives you the right to gossip?

For years, decades maybe, you have always worked on getting back to people that have inadvertently hurt you. Drop it! Be pleasant, be kind!

Giving Blessings
Make others happy. Make their lives easier. Show appreciation to them. But do this to, and for, all of them! Build your church up! Build up other believers! And start with those you find difficult to befriend! Bless others! Spread happiness!

People in the world today need help, lots of it. They are afraid to ask. There is always a catch. But they need help nevertheless. The help may be as simple as showing some real attention to others. Act like they matter.

They need to be able to come to the Church, without fear or dread. They should see a community of believers that behaves as Peter begged us to behave.

So, in the end let's have everyone united in purpose, joined in feeling, full of brotherly love, rich in compassion, humble of spirit, with no one repaying evil with evil or slander for slander, but giving blessings since you were called so that you could inherit a blessing.

Friday, November 27, 2009

First off: II Peter 3a

Peter wrote his two letters, as reminders to the Church. He urged us not to be distracted. And distractions are many, especially today, in the age of ADD (that's another topic - but my belief is that ADD is more a function of our culture, than it is an individual problem.)

A hundred years ago, most communities had two modes of entertainment: the saloon, and the church. You could focus your weekends on one or the other. And the two stood in stark opposition to each other.

At home, before there was TV and air conditioning, families would while away the evening hours on the porch, telling stories, passing along their faith and legacy from one generation to the next.

There wasn't a lot to do. But what people did do, was of enormous value.

First off, you need to know that in the last days, mockers are going to have a heyday.

So it is in these times. With so many distractions, change happening at such a rapid rate, the 24-7 news cycles, is it any wonder we find it hard to focus?

God knew it would get this way . . . He made us! Peter received a Word of inspiration from God, and communicated it to us in the form of this prophecy!

When I first studied this verse of Scripture, as an adult, it seemed like such a remote prospect: people openly mocking God and His Word! But it is true today. People mock Him not so much in their words, but in their deeds, as well. There is an open defiance of what is good, true, and right. In the West, the Church is in decline. The alternatives appear so much more fun!

So - be not discouraged when you see the world in decay, be it global warming, urban troubles, partisan hate . . . all of these matters need the Master's touch, and they require our patient attention. We need not accept the world as it is. But we can be encouraged that God said hard times would come . . . His Eternal Kingdom follows. Keep watching this space . . .

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Let's Just Let The Word Speak For Itself: I Peter 2e

Christ suffered too, on your behalf
and left a tracing behind for you
so that you could follow his footsteps,
he who never did wrong,
nor did any deceit come out of his mouth,
who, when abuse was hurled, didn't hurl it back,
didn't answer suffering with threats,
but commended himself to the One who judges justly.

Thanks be to God for His wonderful gift.

Thank God for all of you, my friends.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Role of Venting: I Peter 2d

In today's news, there is a report about the need for people to vent, at the workplace, if they feel they are being mistreated. A decade-long study followed several thousand men around, and determined that those who bottle up their feelings have an increased risk of heart disease.

In the study, the outcome of bottled up anger includes bringing the frustrations home, and blowing up at family members, which isn't good, either!

What do we do then, about the admonition from Scripture, that we take what we are dished, with a positive attitude?

Domestics are to mind their masters with all due respect, and not just if they're kindly and fair but even if they're less than upright.

Well, I think there is the potential to confuse what it means to respect someone. How should we respect our boss, when he or she is not being fair to us? How can we do this?

Well, the fact is, that you are going to vent. We need to vent, and other parts of Scripture bear this out! And as referenced above, the venting must not be done to family! But in turn, we must not vent at people that have nothing to do with our workplace!

No, since we must vent, then the only fair thing to do is to vent at the source of the frustration: we must vent at the boss, but find a way to do it that shows respect!

Gossiping and complaining about the boss to others, is not showing respect to the boss. The only way to respect any person with whom we have issues, is to take it up to that person directly. This is true respect. But here again, Scripture supports this view. God wants us resolving our differences with others! If we backbite and gossip, we resolve nothing, and make the problem worse, by bringing others into it! Yet as humans, we resort to this approach over and over again.

There is only one way to resolve issues, with anybody, but especially with your boss. You have to talk to him or her directly. Any other way does not show grace, and fails to build God's Kingdom.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Some Balance in a Partisan Era: I Peter 2c

It's hard to believe the degree to which partisans of opposing sides hate one another.

Let's do a little exercise. Take a moment right now, to pray. Really, do it. If only for a few seconds. Ask God to grant you the grace and wisdom to view others as Christ does. Ask for God to place His love directly in your heart at this moment. If you can look out a window at people passing by, then do so, and imagine the warmth that fills God's heart when He notices the same people.

Is there someone you are angry at? Pray that God removes your anger and permits you to forgive that person. You have to do this for the exercise to work!

Now imagine what Jesus must think when he looks at his flock. Whether someone is in prison, or unemployed, or sick, or divorced, or orphaned . . . whatever the case. Think about the compassion he feels for all of us and try to get the same into your heart, just now.


Now say the following out loud:

"I can't stand . . . " And finish the sentence with the name of a person.

Imagine you're a Democrat. Say "I can't stand Sarah Palin." If you're a Republican, say out loud "I can't stand Nancy Pelosi."

If you are truly seeing these two people, humans just like the rest of us, as God does, then you cannot possibly say that you "can't stand" them. "Can't standing" is the same as hating. And God has called us not to hate, but rather to love, others.

If you're like me, and you have prayed and checked your own human emotions, the phrase "I can't stand" might feel like a swear word to you. It has an ugly sound, and does not roll easily off the tongue. I feel I should speak it quietly, lest God Himself hear me say it! Perhaps I'll clear my throat after saying it. Maybe I'll apologize to those around me, for letting slip such a terrible string of words, in public! Best yet, maybe they'll take it as a joke, and laugh! Or perhaps they'll "know what I mean!"

Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin are people just like you and me. And they happen to have been placed in positions of authority . . . by Who? Yes, by God Himself.

Give honor to all: love brotherhood, fear God, respect the king.

You can hate the laws Nancy Pelosi passes. You can hate Sarah Palin's views. Chances are you will find something about me, or your best friend, or your spouse, or your children, that you hate.

But you must not hate the person!

Learn how to "stand" others. God requires it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dealing with "Others": I Peter 2b

In one breath, Peter speaks about taming our passions, and acting nice toward others.

This is it. When we behave monogamously, are virgins until marriage, practice heterosexuality, refrain from gambling, avoid drunkenness, use clean language only, act with highest ethics in the workplace, act friendly to the unpopular, attend church regularly, read our Bibles and pray, stay in good physical condition, and generally stay away from any cultural influence that may distract us from the Risen Christ - people will hate us.

Their hate for us will soon turn into defining us as evil, ("Hate is not a family value," anyone?). Nobody wants to be thought of as "bad" or "evil." Even Hitler thought he was "good." But since we are holding up a standard that does not seem fun, or like "really living" to them, they must make it so that they are the "good" ones. If they can only make us out as the evil ones, then all they have to do is get further and further from Christ, to become the good ones in the equation. And all that takes is being natural. If it feels good, do it. Easy.

Your behavior towards other peoples should be good, so that just as they're denouncing you as evildoers they may take a look at what good you do and end up praising God on the judgment day.

Please do not be judgmental. When you do, you're messing things up! That person whose dress code you do not like, the young man with pierced ears and tattoos, the girls dressed in goth, whatever a person's particular brand of defiance or style; when you offend them, you drive them away from the Church, you deflect them from Christ.

You do not have to do those things. But you also do not have to look down on those that do.

The world is going to extremes these days, to get us all worked up. They love when we judge them. It only proves their point, that we are not as nice as we claim to be. But we have to put up with all their excesses, let it not derail us! We must prove that, however far over the edge they go, God's love can still go further.

And like it or not - we are the instruments that demonstrate God's love to them.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Topic That Needs Constant Replenishment: I Peter 1c thru 2a

I feel like, in these blogs (my decade of reading through the Bible), that I have overdone the topic of controlling our tongues. But if the Apostles wrote about it so much in the Epistles, shouldn't we keep reminding ourselves of it?

When formulating some words in your mouth, either to say to someone, or in response to them, do you ever consider whether or not it is a good thing to say? Will it make the other person uncomfortable? Is it some teasing remark that the other is not in the mood to hear right now? Do you harbor some ill intent in your tone? Is there any jealousy at all, in your motives? Are you about to come across as judgmental?

Will the other person be happy, in just a few moments, that he or she happened to cross paths with you?

If you cannot answer these questions in a positive sense, one that would elevate God in the situation, one that will build people up and send them off in a better mood, then perhaps you should just keep your mouth shut.

I believe I may have come up with the quote: "Better to say nothing with a frown, than the wrong thing with a smile."

The more I think about it, the more I don't get teasing.

"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't give you a hard time." Oh really? Then why do others avoid you? Why do they forbear speaking to you? We disguise our insecurities and malice in something that Sinclair Lewis calls "rude politeness," a behavior found mostly in the American Midwest.

The problem is, that most of the people I have come across, that do a lot of teasing (also known as "smart remarks," "wisecracks," etc.), do not like to be teased themselves.

You tease people inappropriately, and do not even known it. You're so used to it, you think it is normal.

Ask yourself this: was there anybody this morning, that when you saw them the first time, you did not say, "Good morning," with a smile? If not, then chances are you missed an opportunity to make another person feel good about the day. It's even worse if that person tried to say something nice to you, and you still smarted off at them.

If it makes you uncomfortable, or embarrassed, or if you are just protecting yourself from teasing that might come in your direction, I'm sorry. You still made the other person feel bad. You still failed.

Then put away all evil and trickery and pretense and envy and speaking evil, and be like newborn babes longing for genuine, undoctored milk that will make you grow toward salvation, "if you have tasted how good the Lord is."

Put away all of it. All of it. ALL. Put away even the part that you think is normal. Did Christ tease others, or was he careful about building them up? Was he good at understanding how others would respond to his remarks? Don't we feel better when we have encountered the Lord? Isn't it nice to know someone that will not say "Well, what are you doing over here in my church? Hahaha!"

I have known only two people that are true masters in the art of playful teasing. There does not seem to be any malice, and in a roundabout way they are actually saying something good about you:

My Uncle Arnold Darr. His teasing may come across as rather harsh and biting. But listen. First, he is uniquely funny. Most of you try to tease, but you're not funny so it doesn't work. And Uncle Arnie manages to make the teasing about some good quality. He actually is pointing this out.

The other is my brother-in-law Don Heller. He specializes in teasing children. But he always has a smile. His tone is gentle. And he does not tease them personally. He teases the situation, makes light of it. They know that he is kidding, and they are glad he has noticed them.

Both of them are genuine. They are being themselves. It comes easy to them.

Others attempt to tease as Arnie and Donnie do. But they are not being themselves. They are imitators, and it does not come across as natural. It doesn't work.

The rest of us need to specialize in gentle, positive, warm comments to one another. Talk to each other as Christ would.

The world is desperately short of that kind of talk.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Control Yourself: I Peter 1b

I marvel that the modern Church, and the world in general, has failed to grasp the simplicity of self-control and personal mastery.

When you boil it all down, what God really wants from us, is to learn to control ourselves. I believe that humans would do anything, from the absurd to the horrible, if we could get away with it. Even atheists keep themselves in check, out of fear of the unknown. There isn't an atrocity any one of us wouldn't commit, if the conditions were right, and we could.

This is because God made us as children that must grow and mature. If we were good enough, righteous enough, and self-controlled enough, then immortality would be an easy gift for us. God desires for us to be good, and He wants us to live forever. But you cannot have everlasting evil. Yes, God is loving and this is why there is death.

Our animal desire to harm others is based on our inborn lack of self-control, and our natural narcissistic tendencies. We have even created religions that sound inspired enough, but in their acceptance of terrorism and silly rituals are the antithesis of what God wants for us.

All these rules that God gave us, these commandments and "thou shalt nots" are a training regimen to teach us self-control. Let us not envy or steal - therefore control our hunger so that we are not tempted to do wrong. Let us not commit adultery, so that our children may grow up in homes that model fidelity and devotion. Let us not lie, so that others do not build up resentment against us.

We live in a culture that says you should get all you can. If you are not getting sex in some form or another (any which way you can) then you are not normal; indeed, you are a freak if you are not getting some kind of sex. And we have made it so that any kind of sexual behavior is not only within the limits, but a good thing. But God says, "control yourself!"

It is a good thing to check our passions.

Be like obedient children, no longer shaped by the passions of your former ignorance.

We provide limits to our children, so that they can learn self-control.

But we remove limits on ourselves. In the end, we have made a culture where you are allowed to do anything you want, and the outcome is rage when you are denied. Rather than commending a young man for remaining a virgin until marriage, we mock him instead. Is it any wonder our young men go crazy, shooting up innocent bystanders?

We tell parents that they are owed a fun and wealthy life. They go for the money, through their careers; and for the fun, through divorce. Is it any wonder their children are angry?

Control yourself! Our appetites are many, and God made these rules so that we could practice mastery over ourselves.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Long Wait: James 5c thru I Peter 1a

How long has it been since the world began awaiting the return of Christ? Two thousand years?

Or if you were Enoch from the Book of Genesis - your wait is twice that, at least! Thousands, and thousands of years . . . this is how long we have waited.

Some lose hope. The wait is too long for them. They become dispirited, and many fall away.

One of my elders, a person that had been raised in the belief that Jesus was coming soon - even in her lifetime - once admitted to me that she no longer looked for the return of Christ. She did not believe it would happen in her lifetime. She said that, immediately following World War II, many people thought that would be the end, but it wasn't. When Israel became a nation, that would be it. The Cuban Missile Crisis was expected to be the harbinger of Christ's return, but it wasn't.

Vietnam, urban riots, Watergate, Iran Hostage Crisis, Gulf War I, Clinton's Presidency, etc., etc. We get our hopes up, and they get disappointed, over, and over, and over, again.

"It has been so long, so very long," we think. And it gets easy to believe that Jesus will never come back. Maybe we have been mislead.

But how long has it been, really?

You never saw Jesus Christ, but you love him; and still without seeing him you believe in him and are delighted with an inexpressible and exalted joy to be garnering the salvation of your souls that is the object of your faith.

Peter did see Jesus Christ - he lived and ministered with him for three years. He got to know the Lord, as a personal friend, more intimately than any other human that ever lived. He encourages these early believers, that never did see, and never would see (in this life), our Lord.

These are people that never saw Jesus, but were personally acquainted with Simon Peter, who did. As Peter wrote and encouraged them, so he writes to us. He might as well have been writing to us. He was writing to us.

I am turning the corner to my fiftieth year. That is one half of a century. My life now covers one-fortieth of the time between Peter and today.

My grandmother died two months ago, at the age of 96. Ninety-six years prior to her birth, James Madison was President. She could remember things that happened in the 1910s, ninety years ago. Her life was one-twentieth of the time between Peter and today. In eternity, following Christ's return, we will be able to line up 20 people whose lives intersected, and that span the time of Peter until today. I can walk a quarter mile from my house and find 20 people to say "hello" to, and it wouldn't even take a half hour.

I have clear memories from 1962, 1964, 1970, 1978, 1984 . . . and they seem as if they only happened a year ago, or even yesterday.

How long, really, has the world waited?

We are just like the people Peter wrote to. From then until today, 1,950 years of separation, is nothing. We are but a blip in the span of Eternity. And God has placed the sense in our memories, that time passes quickly, to instruct us that truly we are here only briefly.

We are to focus on today, on now, on this instant. And Eternity is really nothing more nor less, than never-ending now.

Peter was there. He did see, and touch, Christ. And he wrote a first-hand account to the Church. He wrote them to people he knew. The testimony was true and reliable. He wrote to them, and us, and it is just like we were there reading his letter at its first opening.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Answered Prayer? Maybe This is Critical: James 5b

A Christian will make a daily habit out of prayer. As we grow, we learn to pray frequently, and to pray in diverse ways.

We believe in answered prayer. I, and you, have experienced the miraculous. We have felt the joy of God saying "yes", and we know the discouragement of God saying "no."

If you are like me, you may even be acquainted with the pain of God granting you your request, when it is something you should never have desired. God is like any parent. He may relent at times, to teach you a lesson.

But James illustrates the power of prayer, by reviewing the story of Elijah. The prophet prayed for it not to rain, and it didn't, for three and a half years! Later, when Elijah prayed for rain, it came forth abundantly.

Why do we not have instances like that? Where are the modern manifestations of Red Sea-like miracles?

Well, it could be that we need to fast. Perhaps we are not living as holy and pure as we ought. Maybe we need to heal the divisions among us, so that we can pray in unity.

So admit to each other what you've done wrong, and pray for each other to be healed.

The best lessons from Scripture are the hardest ones. James basically advises us not to be phonies. This passage will come up in Bible studies, over and over again. But the part about admitting our wrongs to one another will get glossed over, or ignored completely, what, ninety-nine times out of a hundred?

Here is authenticity. Genuine faith attends the truly penitent. Take off your masks. Be open and true to one another. Be yourself. Admit what you have done wrong.

I was musing over this, and thought about some people with whom I have been estranged. I know myself better than anybody, and I know that the way for the estrangement to be removed, would be for that person simply to admit what he or she did to alienate me. I don't even think they need to apologize. Just say: "What I did was wrong." or "I know you do not approve of this, that, or the other, and I respect your feelings about it."

That alone would remove all the hard feelings. Just admit that you know what you did, or are doing. Say it, that's all.

But the secret is, that I have to admit the same to the others.

"Admit". What a hard word!

And this is all God wants. Just admit it. Say it.

And then . . . then . . . perhaps the floodgates of Heaven would be opened, and God's grace flow as never before!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Have You Had Enough of It? I Have: James 4 thru 5a

I had an experience recently, that made me feel as though I was rotting from the inside. I've been working on checking my thoughts, and words, and reactions to others. I've prayed about this. I've attempted to be on my guard.

I learned a long time ago to recognize harmful behaviors on the part of other professing believers. It is always easier to see others' faults before our own. Perhaps that is good. It's how we learn to recognize gossip, bitterness, envy, strife.

But now that you can see it in others, the next step is to turn it back on yourself.

Back to my recent experience . . . I was with a group of other Christians, and in the course of the discussion someone shared some troubles that he had been going through. But in doing so, I found myself thinking that this person was making more out of it than was merited. Another comment was offered, where we learned that someone in our group was about to make a lot more money than I am, for the same type of work. I became angry, envious. I got quiet in this group of dear friends.

But I tried to notice what was going on in myself. And the more I thought about it, prayed inwardly about it, the more rotten I felt.

Out of such innocent beginnings, is laid the seeds of discord and division.

Come on, people! Aren't you tired of your envy, your hate, your gossip? Haven't you had it with conversations among "Christians," that are full of poison directed at others?

Can you go into a Christian setting, and last even a half hour, without hearing something hurtful said about, or to, another person?

Do you belong to a mostly Christian family, where conversation at family events always morphs into gripe sessions? Do you ever drop your defenses enough, for it to make you sick?

What does God think when He observes such behavior?

Don't gripe about each other, brothers and sisters, so you won't face judgement for it.

We have prayer campaigns. We fast. We give up things for Lent.

How about covenanting with one another, to stop our griping, our complaining, our gossiping, our backbiting, our envy and jealousy? Let's hold each other accountable. Can we go a day, or even an hour, without saying something negative about another?

And I am counting teasing little taunts (all in fun) as negative! How about warm, uplifting words that make others feel good?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do it On an Angle: James 3

Okay, so I have been looking for an opportunity to blog this concept for years. Finally, in the Epistle of James, we get to talk squarely about our behavior.

Our behavior . . . that is, all of which can be boiled down to what comes out of our mouths. You can be full of good works, good ideas, even good results. But that all can be ruined by what you say. You can destroy years of preparation and effort by making one unwise remark to someone else. And retrieving an ill-advised remark, as someone once said, can be like casting to the wind, the contents of a feather pillow, and then trying to restore all of the feathers back to the pillow. It can't be done. Much damage comes from your mouth.

This morning, I was reminded of this in a 6th grade classroom. A teacher had a poster on the board, that said, "If you always tell the truth, you'll never have to remember what you said." I heard this first, years ago, when Jay Leno made the comment in regard to Hillary Clinton's comment that she could not recall what was said about the Whitewater scandal.

I would venture to say that, a great majority of what we say in the course of a day, should not be said. If you even stop yourself before talking, and think "Should I say this?" chances are you should not say it. And most of what we say is probably harmful - we are just so used to saying whatever we want, that we no longer think of it as harmful.

A good acquaintance of mine has to make some remark about almost everyone she sees, or whose name comes up in conversation. It will always be about how the person looks, or what the other person believes. Often, the tone is mocking. You plant an idea in someone else's mind about how someone else looks "funny," or "strange," or "old," or "awful," and you have planted a seed that will surely germinate. You have spread your demeaning attitude to someone else. Like a virus, it grows.

As a church music director, one that leads the congregation in praise and worship, I have to be careful what I say, or think. And I wish others would be careful about that as well. You should not plant gossipy, or harmful, or hateful thoughts into the minds of others, especially those that are charged with leading the flock.

Whereas wisdom from above is first of all decent; besides that, it's peace-loving, reasonable, willing to go along, full of compassion and good results, steady of purpose and sincere.

My Dad has a refrain, when it comes to handiwork around the house. The solution to every problem, be it installing some equipment, repairing a machine, fixing a leak, driving a nail or turning a screwdriver, is to "do it on an angle." You can even say to him "do it on an angle," and he'll treat you like you're a genius the rest of the day. He is talking about handling a tool so that you get maximum leverage.

Why don't we do our relationships "on an angle"? Using our mouth wisely, we can create better leverage over the well-being of others. We can make them feel better. We can encourage them. We can lead them closer to Christ. But the mouth, according to James, has great leverage. The tongue, though small, is the most influential organ in your entire body.

If those around us are happy; if Christ is primary in your home; if you are getting good results with your family and friends, then chances are you have tamed your tongue. You are leveraging the goodness of good and wise words. You are living your life "at an angle."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

James Manages to Summarize it All in One Sentence: James 1c thru 2

When you take a decade-long study of the Bible, as I have since the year 2000, (only now getting to James) certain themes loom very large indeed. Those that have been reading since the beginning, may remember how the theme of taking care of widows and orphans is huge throughout the Old Testament!

But that is not the only big theme. Morality (let's face it) is a critical desire of God. There are behaviors, and values, that must be present in the Church. We are the Body of Christ! And he was pure beyond what is humanly possible! He kept the flesh at bay, for his thirty-three some years!

Yes, it is humanly impossible for us - but possible for us, in Christ! And the sins of the flesh are many, and manifest - the entire Scriptural record is a great narrative of the things we do wrong, how serious God views our sins, why they lead to death, and how He has made it possible for us to rise above them and live forever!

It is all about self-control: Self-control, people! Control from lying, cheating, swearing, stealing, gossiping, busybodying, dividing, harming, defiling ourselves and others, giving in to passions (all of our natural appetites, from what we eat, to what we think, what we do, what we wear, what we do to the beautiful bodies God has given us, to how we express love, etc.) Self-control!! This is what it means when we talk about the sins of the flesh.

Either we are serious about controlling ourselves, or not. We either accept God's provision and plan for our lives, or not. We either go in faith, or try to force God's hand by making ourselves into our own image, instead of His.

It comes down to saying "no" so that we can learn how to say "yes." It's about aligning our steps with those of Christ, and not wavering based on what the world is telling us to do. It's patience, faith, trust, acceptance. It's pointing people towards Christ and not drawing attention to ourselves and our problems.

This is morality and purity. There is nothing wrong with it. Nothing to be ashamed of. And it is something we need to urge one another to do, and thus celebrate those times when we and others have overcome the world, through Christ.

Religion is something pure and unblemished before God the Father: looking after orphans and widows in their suffering and keeping yourself unspotted by the world.

Unspotted . . . yes, that's it. In our hearts, on our bodies, in our behavior, and in our treatment of others - let our goal be to become spotless. And let us, in our actions, make it so that others want to become spotless, too.

Note: This blog is made possible through a grant from Huron Valley Fellowship, and the kind gifts of our readers. If you would like to support The Word and the Real World, please send an email to:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Improve Your Prospects: James 1b

The Unvarnished New Testament, translated by Andy Gaus, uses the word "lucky" in place of what normally would be "blessed." Many people look awry when you tell them this. "Luck" to them, has knee-jerk connotations of playing the odds, betting, gambling. How can we say that a person with blessings is just "lucky"?

Our westernized Christian biases get in the way of seeing what is really there. Apparently, the Hebrew mind of two thousand years ago equated "luck" with "good fortune," with "well-being."

How many of us, if we won the Super Lotto, would not thank God for blessing us?

So, it really does make some sense. I have heard successful people say, for many years now, that you make yourself luckier through hard work. Nature itself rewards hard work and diligence with success and material wealth. Why should not the Lord of of Nature Himself, the author of our destinies, be recognized too, as the Maker of our luck?

But the one who leans down to look at the perfect law of freedom and stays there, who is not a forgetful listener but an active doer, that person will have good luck in whatever he does.

Did you catch something that sounds like a promise there?

Right some wrong. Love some unloved person. Fill some need. Teach some truth. Heal some wound. Feed some hungry. Clothe some naked. Father some orphan. House some widow. Befriend some alien. Serve some lonely.

There is plenty to do out there; plenty of work for God's Kingdom. No matter where you are in life, no matter your economic condition, your health, your marital status - there is nothing getting in the way of you finding some opportunity to share Christ's love.

And God has promised success. No - He has promised luck; good fortune; well-being.

Other versions use the word "happy" instead of "luck," or "blessed." Do God's work, and you will be happy.

Be an active doer. There is something right there, next to you, or in the room at this moment, that can use the Master's touch. Don't just sit there, do something!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are You Asking for the Right Thing? Hebrews 11d thru James 1a

So often in prayer, we ask God for "easy things." First we pray for God's blessings and guidance. We pray for Him to put a wall around us to keep us from evil. And then comes the body of prayer - usually a list of medical needs, or sustenance for people going through some form of loss.

Blessing - that's easy. Who doesn't want to be blessed? And since we are people of faith, we are sure not to mind if we are not better off a week, month, or year from now.

Guidance? Well, yes, if it is generic guidance. We ask for the guidance, but that is where it ends. And if you are a believer in any kind of God, why wouldn't you want Him guiding you? It's like, well God, lead me but don't let me know about it.

Protection from evil. Definitely! Of course we do not want to face evil!

Medical needs of others, and prayers for those that are suffering. Yes, of course! Give me a long list of names of other people that are suffering, and I will do my duty and pray for them. It will all be in God's hands now. Either He heals them or He doesn't. But at least I have prayed!

So if any of you lack guidance, ask God, who gives to all freely without begrudging, and you shall receive it.

The the thing that God longs for us to ask for - is for Him to guide us!!

I would suggest that, if you are not in something that is clearly building God's kingdom, that you are not letting Him guide you. If it does not take you out of your comfort zone, then you have not come to understand what God wants for you. If you are just going through the motions, paying bills, going to work, doing the chores, without a thought crossing your mind that God may have intended your talents for something more, then chances are you have not asked God for guidance . . . really.

Go ahead - ask God to guide you. Tell Him you are ready for a change. Tell Him you want to build His kingdom in measurable, concrete, timely, and effective ways. Yes, tell Him this.

And then seek those around you that are doing God's will, or that want to do His will. Now encourage and pray for them. Make their path easier, not more burdensome.

Have this attitude, and see if God is not, truly, good on His promise to guide you.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mother Sarah's Amazing Faith: Hebrews 11b thru 11c

Sarah, mother of Isaac, grandmother of Jacob, is our ancestral mother. We all come together in her.

Even if you are not a blood descendant of Sarah, she is, in Christ, your ancestor. Sarah is our mother.

We normally do not think of her in that way. We do not stop to reflect that, when Christ returns, the dead are raised, and eternal life is bestowed on all the faithful, that we will meet together at some great family reunion, and at the head of the table reserved for the parents will sit our grandmother, Sarah. Go ahead and call her "Grandma", if you want!

His (Abraham's) faith gave Sarah in her barrenness the power to be impregnated by seed when past the prime of adulthood, because he had faith in the One who made the promise.

Yes, it's true that Sarah mocked God when she was told that she would have a child. She was, after all, human, and little old ladies do not have babies, especially in the pre-in vitro age!

But there had to have been some element of faith in Sarah, as well as Abraham. And even though Abraham understood, sadly, the discouragement and demoralizing effect of a mocking wife (it's a wonder he ever accomplished anything!), still we must conclude that Sarah had enough faith to be counted worthy to be the grandmother of us all!

I cannot contemplate God so blessing this great woman, unless her basic pattern was to live in gentleness and acceptance, even though she entered old age without ever having given birth.

What can we learn from Sarah? I believe we can learn much, and it would be good to study and comment on her great qualities.

How about, for starters: accepting God's will for whether or not she ever bore children? How about choosing to be happy with or without children - in whatever state God has planted you?

Please reader - I am not making a judgment on any person living in these times of medical miracles. But let us never lose sight of these simple qualities of faith that were easier to come by, when it was humanly impossible for people to reverse apparent infertility! Faith is faith! And it cannot be expressed without hardship or disappointment.

Thank you, Grandma Sarah. Because you accepted God's will, His Kingdom could be planted, and today our family is millions strong!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Are You Ready, Really?: Hebrews 10c thru 11a

World events are spiraling about. At times it all seems random. At others, like it is part of a grand Master Plan. At its root it is frightening. Jesus Christ seems to be the one most polarizing figure in History. From within the U.S. and without, His enemies - all those that do not believe in him - can come into great accord in the objective of wiping him, and his followers, from off the pages of History.

We talk a good game. We know that courage is a good quality. We admire those that have it. We can voice our connection to Paul, Peter, Noah, King David. We say that we are followers of Christ.

What happens when our professions of faith cause us to lose a job? What if our friendships, or family relations, suffer?

I was once told, by an elder in the Church, that I needed to cool it on my blogging. He said - "This could hurt you in getting a teaching job."

What? WHAT??

And you suffered for those who were in jail and accepted the impounding of your possessions with joy, knowing that you had a better and more lasting fortune elsewhere.

I would love to have a new car. A big house would be great. If only I could attract the most beautiful women with my affluence and wealth! Taking trips to any pleasure spot in the world, whenever I want, would be great!!

But, what is the cost of all of this? How much must I hide my faith in Christ?

Oh yes, I could say, "But let me gain my wealth first, and then think of how effective I will be in building God's kingdom!"

Friend, I tried that approach for twenty years. The outcome was not only spiritual failure, but professional, worldly failure, as well.

I took that fork in the road, and instead of worldly success, I gained professional decline, financial reverses, medical and dental bills, divorce, and even a lack of respect from among those in family and church that once admired me.

It doesn't work. You will fail if you try to get it both ways.

What are your talents? What can you do to build God's kingdom? I beg of you, change course right now and do it.

And please be willing to give up all your worldly possessions! They are worthless, and you are going to lose them anyway! True riches are only to be found in Christ.

Monday, October 5, 2009

One of the Most Difficult Passages in Scripture: Hebrews 10b

This verse from Hebrews used to terrify me:

Remember, if we knowingly choose wrong after gaining knowledge of the truth, we cannot offer sacrifice for our sins . . . we can only expect a fearful judgment and the heat of the fire waiting to consume the forces of opposition.

It sounds like, once you become a Christian, you had better be perfect from now on, or you will be doomed forever. And of course, I had not become perfect, so when I acted hatefully to someone else, or messed up and used bad language, or lied . . . it would be all over, for good.

So what then does it mean?

Well, the entire passage is about the once-and-for-all sacrifice of Christ on the cross, which forever washed away the sins of the faithful, of those that would receive his immeasurable gift. With such a perfect atonement, covering every sin of every sinner that ever sinned, how can it be made null and void, and imperfect, through this one pronouncement tucked away in the middle of a great discourse on grace? Are we forgiven completely and totally, or not?

It is talking about the vanity of thinking you can sin, and then do something to earn forgiveness . . . and then sin again and ask forgiveness through some act, in a never ending cycle. Let me say it again, a different way: you're forgiven! You are justified (made just and holy) through the blood of Christ! It's over!

The verse is also reminding us that we are going to die, anyway . . . the penalty of our original sin still holds. No matter what you do, you are going to die. And in the final day, God will indeed burn everything up! You can do wrong . . . and even if you are among the saved, you are going to feel the heat of judgment fire, like all the rest of us! You cannot stave it, or hold it off. You cannot pretend it will not happen; you cannot ignore God's judgment, through acts of sacrifice.

I believe that the writer of Hebrews is telling us to stop being so legalistic! If you live according to the law (do wrong) after having knowledge of the truth (God loves you, and you are saved), then you are still under the law! You will still be punished through death (we all will anyway). So why even try?

* You are saved. Christ will raise you up to eternal life on the last day, and,

* The world is still under the law (although you may be under grace), and we must all face death, for we have sinned.

Stop living as though you are under the law! The law is the law and it condemns us!

Live under grace and be free. Accept God's precious gift in Christ and live!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Make Disciplers: Hebrews 7b thru 10a

Yes, that's right. I wrote "disciplers." There is an "r" at the end of the word. Christ did call upon us to make disciples. But the Apostle Paul later on says to "teach those who can teach others."

We are not saved by our deeds. Yet, in the New Testament Era, the Church Age of History, the followers of Christ are required to become active people. It is important to understand the difference between "works" and "activity." And the writer of Hebrews spells it out expertly.

The old world, and the old covenant of the Old Testament, was under the Curse. We would work and toil, without rest, because our first parents disobeyed God. We had an Eden, where God cared for us, and walked with us. But we chose our own path. We walked away from Him, and pridefully assumed we could make it.

But the curse upon us was more a prediction than a punishment. On our own, yes, we would have to work. And work is exactly what we did, and do to this day! Just open your ears and hear all the complaints about how tired people are, how little sleep, how boring their jobs, how unappreciated their efforts!

Think about it. The curse was actually a prediction that came true. It was not at all the summary pronouncement of a little God with hurt feelings!

But God promised us rest from our labors. And we do rest, today. Even the hardest-working Christian can feel rested, with the right attitude. We do what we do, because we want to do God's will and spread the Gospel to new places and people. Is that "work"? Well, maybe, but if you're a faithful Christian it will not feel like "work"!

There is the "work" of the Old Testament, and the "actions" of the New.

So he's abolishing the old standard [of offerings and sacrifices] and establishing the new standard of doing God's will, the same will through which we have been made holy by the body of Jesus Christ, offered once and for all.

The Old Testament, the Old Covenant, involved a lot of work and sacrifice. We lived as though we were under the curse, and we were. Many today still live that way - those that have not learned fully to trust Christ. They betray their lack of faith, even with their language - they will use the word "work" a lot. Perhaps they are worriers, doubters, discouragers.

But in the New Testament, or New Covenant, we have the sacrifice done once and for all, finished and completed by Christ upon the Cross. The work is done. Are you reading this? The job is done. Jesus finished it!

So instead of works and sacrifices, we are called upon to do God's will. Before, we worked and toiled to build our houses and put food on our tables. But now, in Christ, we trust God to take care of all that, and we focus on His will, which is forever and always to build His kingdom of people and not of land and buildings.

The Dexter United Methodist Church is currently in a theme that addresses this. We are to be "disciplers." Make disciples, but also make disciples that can in turn make disciples.

It is not work at all. But it is active and essential. It requires lots of energy, maybe a lack of sleep, lots of study and prayer. But it is not work. We have entered into Christ's rest. Making disciplers is all there is left to do, in God's great plan.

Please join me at the Dexter United Methodist Church Monday, October 5th, at 1:00pm, for a time of open prayer. We will meet in the Atrium and go from there.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What is Spiritual Solid Food? Hebrews 5c thru 7a

I remember many years ago, gathered around a campfire somewhere, talking about people, events, and the Bible. There were about a half-dozen young men there, all between 16 and 26 years of age. We were very close friends. I believe it happened at Camp Shockley outside Francis, Oklahoma.

We got onto the topic of doctrinal distinctives of this, that, or the other denomination.

Inevitably, we all agreed that it was good that we understood the Bible as well as we did. Our understanding of the deeper things of Scripture meant that we had the special favor of God. He would bless our efforts to evangelize. We would grow in power and influence. We would not fall. Our faith (or so we called it) was firm.

What were these special doctrines? They were the points on which we differed from most other Christians, of course! We are only human, children really, that desperately need to be different from others (notice me!). A sense that we are different, in this case "right," gives us a sense of security when Judgment Day comes. But, is God going to judge us, based on how well we knew our own distinctives?

We patted ourselves on the back. We were feeding on Scriptural meat; raw, tough, manly beef! Yes, we were rugged all right!

But what is, actually, the spiritual meat, the "solid food" discussed in this Hebrews passage?

Solid food is for adults, who by conditioning have acquired senses trained to distinguish right and wrong.

The writer lists the basic foundations of faith, the "milk":

  1. repentance works that lead to death
  2. trusting God
  3. the washing and laying on of hands
  4. the eternal judgment
  5. the resurrection of the dead.

Those are the basics, the milk! The very stuff we considered "meat"!

So what then is the solid food from Scripture? Very simply, to follow Christ and walk in his steps! Is not love called "the greatest of these" by Paul? We get people into Church, and face to face with Christ, through the message of judgment, baptism, repentance from sins, etc. But far too many of us go no further than basic doctrines.

Christ called us to the higher things, the solid food - the part on which we all agree: that love conquers all! That humility and service to others is really what it's all about!

Leaving arguments and divisiveness aside, we press on to gentleness and selflessness - the most difficult step of all, yet the most simple. And there is no place at all, in the feast of the solid food, for divisions.

Our ancestors disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Have you noticed that children have a much easier time than adults, in doing good? Kids are out playing, enjoying life. Even Hitler was once a child playing in the schoolyard! Adulthood changes us, presents us with a myriad of alternative paths to follow. We are bombarded with images of violence and immorality all the time: we gain the knowledge of good and evil! And we usually choose the evil!

We are not ready for this knowledge, so death had to be the outcome.

The Christian that feeds on the solid food of love and selflessness becomes one that can be presented with good and evil, and not be warped by it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Problem of the Self-Appointed: Hebrews 5b

A single person, out of thousands, may self-appoint himself into a position of great authority over the thousands.

This happens all the time in American society. Our system is supposed to elevate the natural leaders to supervision of our government and laws. Our legislatures are supposed to be composed of people that are most representative of those represented, to go speak on behalf of the whole.

But instead we get partisan hacks that manipulated the system for their own benefit.

A democratic republic that is functioning efficiently, should never have a man as President, that nobody heard of four years ago. And it should not keep returning to office Congressmen that have forgotten what it is like to be Average Joe Citizen.

If there is a vacancy in my local Planning Commission, I can go in, fill out a form, be interviewed by the Township Board, and receive its appointment. I have, in effect, appointed myself to a position where I can tell your neighbors what they can and cannot do on their own property. I do not have to have any special credentials. It is not important that my values match those of my neighbors. I just have to step forward, and suddenly my influence has multiplied many times over. And really, the most important factor is that I want the job.

Sadly, the same dynamic holds true in our churches. Some young person claims to have been "called" to the ministry. He or she receives the requisite college preparation, followed by ordination. Next thing you know, a person of under thirty years of age bears the mantle of "church authority" that is not to be questioned.

Also, one doesn't bestow such an honor on oneself but is called by God just as Aaron was.

The scriptural record could not be more clear. If we would care to look, the requirements for any position of leadership in the Church are delineated in detail. But here, perhaps the most important point is made: Gods calls people to the ministry. They do not appoint themselves. And I have seen enough young people get burned out in the ministry, such that their marriages fail, that we should be wary about entrusting God's calling to a person whose frontal lobe is not fully developed (at about the age of 25 - the frontal lobe governs our ability to weigh options and make wise judgments.)

All across society, at every level and in every profession, I believe that we suffer because we let people (particularly leaders) select themselves for important roles. If the most important quality of leadership is humility, then it's no wonder there is a crisis of leadership.

Leaders in the Bible were dragged into authority. They begged not to be appointed, or called.

So, when leadership or representation is called for, let us consider praying for wisdom first. Let those making the selection consider carefully if this person truly is viewed as a leader. Is she humble? Do others respect her? If a person is called to be a representative - then does he truly fit into the beliefs and background of the people to be represented?

The party system may be easy. And we may believe that a person wanting to lead should at least want the job! Whatever. It's not the model God showed us. And it is not getting us good results.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Being Your Own High Priest: Hebrews 5a

God is very careful to select humble people for great tasks.

He selects the humble. The world selects the proud and arrogant.

With the possible exception of George Washington, every person ever elected President of the United States, wanted the job. They thought that it was owed to them. It is almost a requirement of the office, that you must believe you are better than the other person. And how arrogant is that?

What candidate for office ever said in a debate: "Please do not vote for me. I am slow of speech. I have a physical handicap. I'm not that sharp. Take one of these others."

It just doesn't happen that way, and it makes us wonder if anybody really gets the point of the connection between real leadership and humility.

And what about this "elected for life" concept? For example, in many local governments in Michigan, you will find elected officials that have held office for over 25 years. Not only do these people not step down, it becomes impossible for others to unseat them. Are they truly the only people out of the tens of thousands that they represent, that can do the job, over the course of decades?

The same is true in national office. Is Barney Frank the only person who can best represent Boston Massachusetts in Congress, for over two decades? Is he the one person that most truly represents the whole of his district? What is that saying about Congressman Frank? What does it say about his constituents?

The person that keeps re-inserting him or herself into elected office is anything but humble! But God always chooses the humble.

. . . every . . . high priest . . . is . . . subject to weakness.

So, God started out a system of government way back in the time of Abraham. The only position required at the time was that of high priest. But he made sure that the high priest knew that he was a weak vessel, just like the humans he represents. Imagine, what if every high priest to follow continued with humility. The writer of Hebrews says that the high priest has to make sacrifices for his own sins, as well as the sins of the people.

Humanity copied the idea of high priest, and turned it into a warped symbol of prestige and power. By the time of Christ, the pharasaical system had become the twisted result of what happens when we take something good from God, and put our own spin on it. The Scribes and Pharisees were the purveyors of condemnation and guilt. They had made themselves into God's representatives, looking down on others and living a high life.

We have high priests because we need them . . . all of us. Even the high priest needed a high priest.

Remember this as we go into an ugly season of partisan politics at the national level. It is Labor Day, and summer is over. The American national government is about to go to war with itself over health care reform. As you observe the debate, look for little hints of humility on the part of of "leaders" in Washington.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drawn Close Lately? Hebrews 4d

I read somewhere, that science has proven that we never use more than 15% of our brain's total capacity. Think about that for a second.

What does this mean? What could a fully engaged, 100% active brain do? The science-fiction buff in me shudders at the possibilities: mind-reading, levitation, telekinesis, foretelling the future, etc.

How many fully-activated brains would it take to solve the world's problems? Could a cure for cancer be devised in an instant? Could cancer even be thought-away? Could our 100%-brain-manipulated words persuade Kim Jung Il into resigning and, maybe, becoming a world-class Christian evangelist?

Maybe this is something God understands about us. It's why He didn't want us eating of the Tree of Knowledge. Maybe it contains vitamins and minerals that give us 100% brainpower, and we are not good, pure, and holy enough for that yet!

No, our brains are way underutilized, and will continue so until God bestows spiritual bodies upon us at the Return of Christ.

But what about another source of power that we never tap into? What about the throne of grace? God begs us to meet with Him there. Do we ever do it, though? We have a standing invitation from the Creator, to meet with Him. All of our answers are there. Grace and healing is there for the taking. Power that is greater than an entire brain, is there for the asking.

Then let us confidently draw near to the throne of grace and receive the mercy and find the grace that can give us timely aid.

I have not, if ever, been to the throne of grace. I've been close to it. I've reached out, perhaps, and felt its warmth. I have seen it from afar. Where John Wesley's chest was "strangely warm" once, mine has moved into lukewarm, maybe, a time or two in my life.

The writer of Hebrews says to go confidently to the throne of grace.

I don't know how this is done. I think you should be on your knees. I think you should have no other distractions. Having studied the Word of God recently can't hurt. Being around other Christians, that also long to touch the throne, helps.

But you have to try.

There is not a problem that God cannot solve. He is all around us. He is never far away. He sees it all and reaches out His hand. The problem isn't with God. It's with us. We need only focus on Him, notice Him, reach out to Him, and He will not disappoint. We are the ones that need to move.

Go to the throne today. Confidently. Go.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Faith without the Word? Hebrews 4c

I marvel when professing Christians act worldly. You know you're acting worldly, if you are behaving like children. Throwing tantrums, getting your feelings hurt, insulting others, insisting on your way . . . these are immature behaviors. They are not godly, and they are not Christlike.

When you see a professing Christian acting this way, you may reasonably conclude that this person has not been reading (studying, meditating upon) his or her Bible.

I know myself, that when I am behaving inappropriately, it is because I have not been studying the Word.

A teenager expressed her doubts to me, that God is real. She complained that God hasn't done anything good for her, ever. But I also know that this particular girl does not read her Bible. It is not a habit to her.

The Bible is the Word of God. And the Word of God is Christ. Whatever you believe about who Jesus Christ is, chances are you admire his words and deeds. It stands to reason that, if you read about him, and learn his teachings, you will be influenced by him. You will become more like him. If you want to be more like Christ, fill yourself with him by reading the Bible!

If you have doubts, or questions, or difficulties, read the Word!

For the word of God is living, active, more cutting than any double-edged sword, and penetrating enough to sever soul from spirit and marrow from bone, while it judges the thoughts and passions of our hearts.

What then, you say, about Bible-thumpers, people that think they are better than others because they have "the truth"? How do these narrow-minded people, that read the Bible every day, fit into this model of the "Christ-like Bible student"?

The answer is simple. It is because they, indeed, study the Bible narrowly. They only see passages that fit their assumptions. They read "proof-texts" only, and skip the sections that address behaviors and beliefs that they should change in themselves.

You can spot these people easily in a Bible study. They will refuse to discuss difficult passages that would require them to examine their own lives. But they come alive when an essential doctrinal verse is discussed. How they love the Bible, when it agrees with them!

You cannot live in Christ, without studying his word. In essence, you are what you read, and many of you have not been reading good stuff. It shows in your behavior.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Vain Work: Hebrews 4b

I remember times when I worked hard on difficult, energy-draining projects. There were hot summer days helping a farmer down the road bale hay. There were times when it was just me, and the farmer's son. I would be up stacking them in the loft, and he would be loading the bales onto an elevator. I got paid for this, but I will admit, I hated the work! Back in those days, I often would get asked to help during hay-baling season. Dexter was still a farming community, and a lot of us were familiar with hard work!

There were other times, though, like the Summer of 1980, during a record-breaking heat-wave in Texas. I and some other men re-roofed the Shamrock Advent Christian Church. Except for some of the best cooking I have ever known in my life, none of us got paid to do this work. Yet, I loved it. My memories are positive. It was like play.

What was the difference?

It was all about motive. In one case, I was working for money. In another, I was serving others, and along the way having some excellent fellowship with a group of godly men.

The writer of Hebrews talks about our promised "rest," our reward for serving God. There will come a time when the curse is defeated, the curse that doomed us to work and toil throughout life, subject to thorns and thistles, disease and death. But one day, God promises, we will rest from our labors.

Now, we could just rest on Sunday, or Saturday (if you are a 7th Day-er). But how many of us actually "rest" on our Sabbath?

In Hebrews, this rest is treated as though it has already come. What is meant?

So there must be a Sabbath's rest still waiting for the people of God, and whoever finds this rest has rested from his own labors as God once rested from His.

Our final reward, our eternal rest, is still in the future, without doubt. But here we seem to be able to claim the rest today. How can we do this, when there is obviously work to be done? Who will mow the grass? Who will pay the bills?

I think it's all about attitude. Some people make a big deal out of work. They make noise while they're "working." They comment about it after "Whew! I'm whipped! Been canning beans all evening!"

Or, "I troubleshot 16,000 lines of code. Took six hours."

Or, "I work myself to the bone and no one lifts a finger to help me!"

We keep going back to work . . . to works. How we crave, and long, for attention!

Have you noticed how much little children want you to notice what they have done, or are doing? It is because children of all sorts are activity-focused. They are works-oriented. They only know activity. But adults should move beyond that! Their purview should shift from drawing attention to themselves, to focusing more on others. Becoming more Christlike . . . not more busy!

So yes, it is possible to rest, even while you are working yourself to the bone! You can work because you are doing it for the right reasons. You do not care who gets the credit. And if your bones begin to protrude through their protective layer of skin, smile about it! God is good and He will take care of you! But if you have to complain about how hard you have worked, or brag about it, then you have ruined it for yourself and everybody! You just turned an act of cheerful giving (in which you actually did feel refreshed afterward), into work. You have stepped back into the curse.

Once I was working with an older male relative. Over time he began to get critical of me. He pointed out things for me to do, that I was already doing. He found little nit-picky things to comment on - suggesting changes that he wasn't even doing himself. Little arguments erupted.

I had gone into the work project feeling cheerful, eager for the time and fellowship with this trusted elder. And while we were getting along, it was not work at all. It was fellowship. Worship. Rest.

Finally I said - "I love work when it's fun. But when it ceases to be fun I hate it."

"Baloney!" was his terse response.

This person was stuck in the paradigm that work has to be work. It has to be laborious. It isn't supposed to be fun. If you are having fun, you aren't working.

Baloney, indeed!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Today": Hebrews 2b thru 4a

Many people speak of our eternal reward as being in the form of a place, namely, "Heaven."

Others describe that place with a little more Scriptural accuracy: "The Kingdom of God," (or "The Kingdom of Heaven.")

We are conditioned to believe the world is a bad place. How many people have you heard moan about a new child being born, into this "awful world"? We have difficulty accepting what God said about Creation, that it is "good." But if God says it is good, we must accept it at face value. Wouldn't all of our relationships and lives be much better, if we could only believe God when He says that the world is "good"?

But we have concluded that the world is a bad place. This has driven our emphasis on there being a better place for us. We cannot take the world as it is - we do not see the beauty in it, so we build our lives around building nice places (homes) for our families. We put ourselves in different roles, and wear different disguises depending on what we are doing. So we go to work. We go to a store. We go to a park. And we dress and act the part. We really are not being ourselves.

And we have developed a religious system that mirrors this emphasis on place. We must have our church buildings, so we can go to church. And the process of going to Church aligns closely with the assumption that one day we will go to Heaven, or to the Kingdom of God.

God must be setting aside another day, namely the "today" he mentions . . .

But if you look closely, you will see that God is more interested in a time, or a state of being, than He is of a place. God is, after all, everywhere. We cannot ever go to where He is, for we are already there!

The temple of the Old Testament was stressed, due to our need to be able to go into a place to do various things. God segmented our lives, for we were but children. But in the New Testament, being made new in Christ, we are the Temple. The Church is everywhere, and we do not need to go anywhere to be in it!

God taught us a radical concept, one that no other world religion can comprehend: that the Kingdom of God is here. It's now. And we are it!

God uses the word "today" a lot. Think about all it's uses throughout Scripture: "Truly truly, I say into you today . . . " is a good starting point. God exists today. He's right here, right now. All the time.

This is the point - our reward is not necessarily in some far off place. Let's leave that for the other religions. God promises us constant, eternal now. Every day is today, and today never ends. This is why Christ told us not to worry about tomorrow. If you are enjoying the here and now, then you've got it.

I have observed that the older people get, the more they just focus on what they're doing right now. They learn to appreciate the company in front of them right now. They move more and more towards activities they enjoy. They know the magic of getting into a "zone", focusing on something they enjoy. They prefer activities in which time seems to stand still. They learn more and more to live for the moment.

Stop thinking about what will happen when you die, where you will go, etc. Isn't even the concept of "go to Heaven when you die," really the same as worrying about tomorrow?

Just enjoy this moment. Appreciate today. God has promised that, for those that believe and accept it, today will never end.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How Did it Start For You? Hebrews 1c thru 2a

Let me preface these comments with a hope that they do not apply to you! I'm talking about the tendency of society to drift into disorder and chaos, if left alone. Is this not what Science has concluded?

I just completed the book, The Road, by Cormac McArthy. It describes a world with no hope, no authority, no order. Gradually, the people lost their sense of humanity and compassion. They became more like animals. It's sad to think of the human race with such intelligence combined with so little moral bearing. We're too smart for our own good. If we think we can get away with it, we would do anything.

Enter God's plan. God knew this about us. There's a fine balance between intelligence, free-will, nobility, and purity, that God wants to strike with us. With intelligence comes judgment, the ability to choose right from wrong. The intelligence brings self-awareness. The smarter we are, the more aware of ourselves we become. There is a sickening juxtaposition of smarts and wisdom, where they paradoxically end up at odds with each other. We are self-aware, and it makes us self-ish. We feed our minds, and it feeds our egos.

So we had the severity of the Law in the Old Testament. We had rigid rules, to drive us back into growing up into spiritual beings . . . people that could love unselfishly. God's amazing plan would have us be intelligent and loving. This is a delicate blend that only an all-powerful and all-wise God could pull off!

Now, I look about myself today: Sexual looseness. Divorce. Hideous crimes on TV. Lying politicians. Kids that have seen it all on their cell phones, Cable TV, and the Internet. Babies born out of wedlock. Filty language is now the norm. Basic courtesies and etiquette are out the door. People that have not learned to sharpen one another. Harmful, nervous habits that eat away at people souls. Self-mutilation.

Interestingly, the decay in society today goes back to multiples of decisions made by individuals, that harm themselves first! These decisions harm others, when they see that someone they trust can make a bad choice, and nothing bad happens. There is an allure to wrongdoing that captivates humanity. We will do anything, if we can get away with it!

Unchecked, uncontrolled, un-stopped decline into a world we never could have dreamed would come around in our lifetimes!

A church that folded, (or actually, many). Believers that are today alienated from one another. People that once were like family, now focused more on possessions, money, and being "cool." Seeking the upper hand over others. A descent into chaos masked by people just getting for themselves, "what I've got coming to me." Children with more steps and halves than they can keep track of! A disintegration of family; true family; real family; the best form of family.

So how did your world get to where it is today? How did it start with you?

I remember a divorce that happened years ago. It happened to a young ministerial couple that was very effective with youth, and full of promise. It was a sad, devastating situation. It started with the young wife having an affair. The divorce was ugly. The two respective families separated totally, and years later still have not reconciled.

But the families had to accept it and "move on." The story had a tragic outcome, but it did not stop others from wanting to follow that example. Other family members and friends got divorced. Unmarried people began living together. Children were born out of wedlock. A rippling effect spread, and broke up families and churches.

I go back to that one divorce, that a young couple got away with. It became easier for the rest of us to push the boundaries.

Therefore we must pay more attention to what we have been told, or we could drift off course.

The writer of Hebrews knew what he was talking about. The statement is powerful, and to me prophetic. It's a warning, a prediction, a sage piece of advice.

We don't lurch suddenly ninety degrees from our walk with Christ. We drift.

Pay more attention to what we have been told. Friends, you've got to read your Bible, and discuss it!

I am in the final year of a decade-long Bible study. During that decade I experienced my own divorce. I would not recommend it to anybody. These other divorces only paved the way for other marriages like mine. It gets easier. We ignore what the Bible says about divorce and marriage.

We drift, and we hardly notice it.

I don't know how we take back the territory we lost in the culture war. It's hard to imagine us drifting back into righeousness. I fear that the only thing that works is to be shocked back into it. We must hold the Word of God before the world, like a light.

But first of all, by all means, stop the drift!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can't Have One Without the Other: Hebrews 1b

Let me take some liberties here, and suggest a helpful distinction between the conservatives and liberals, in the U.S. today. How timely, too, with us in the midst of a heated debate over health care.

On one hand, you can boil everything about the liberals down to the word: "justice." They love to talk about equality and fairness. They take the Declaration of Independence concepts "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," and apply them to the idea that the rich should not be the only ones that get to do this! How can you pursue happiness without some money? And there are way too many wealthy people with ill-gotten gains; does this not strengthen their case that they should have access to some of America's bounty?

The Constitution defines the role of government, among other things, as to ensure the "welfare" of the American people. On this alone hangs their point that everything they have promoted has been constitutional. And, truth be known, they have a point.

The conservatives, on the other hand, are adamant about punishing crime. And they put a lot of stock into the need for people to choose lifestyles that align with traditional values. You cannot have freedom, where people push the limits too much on what is ethical or moral. The conservatives hold that the pursuit of happiness must be attended by a check on our own behaviors. We must act unselfishly, spiritually even - and we must not slide into lifestyles and behaviors that have been deemed immoral for hundreds of generations! They warn us: go down that path, and you will lose your freedom! Freedom comes with a price! And a free people must also be a virtuous people.

It is hard to argue against their points, as well.

But God wants it both ways. He wants justice, with purity. He wants fairness, with self-controlled behavior. He seems to be urging us to go for the highest standards of behavior (did not the Sermon on the Mount make this clear?) Not only pure behaviors, but pure thoughts as well!

If we check our appetites, control our passions, choose the spiritual over the fleshly, deny the satisfaction of our basic impulses and delay gratification; then He is faithful to even out the playing field for us. Yes, he'll bless us indeed! But we too have a responsibility to act as holy vessels well-prepared to commune with a holy and loving Creator.

You always loved justice and hated lawlessness.

The Old Testament taught us this lesson, over and over again. God loves us, and wants us to have a fair and equitable community. He wants love to prevail. There should be no advantage of one person over the other. Even the aliens in our midst, are to be treated as royalty!

But this just society is also a clean one. The people within are self-controlled, aspiring to be as pure as the angels. We have a role-model, who is Christ the Lord. He put others before Himself. The completely selfless person has no room for giving in to selfish passions.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Becoming Family: Titus 3 thru Hebrews 1a

There are probably some practical reasons why the early church met in people's homes. Perhaps it was to help stay under the radar screen of the Roman armies, let alone the Scribes and Pharisees! They did not yet have any kind of budget. All the money raised was used to feed widows, orphans, and to pay for missionary journeys.

It was not yet the era of the medieval gothic cathedral. There was no such thing as spires, steeples, vestries, narthexes, and vestibules. The idea of an "altar" in the church, had not caught on.

No parking lot, no organ, no praise band area, no Sunday School booklets. No payroll, no hospital visitation, no paid clergy, no youth leader.

They pretty much were forced to meet in people's homes.

And I think that's a good thing. It's good that God chose this period in history to begin His Church. For here was the perfect time and place, to lock into place the radical notion that a religious experience can happen anywhere, most notably in a person's home.

To Philemon . . . and the group that meets at your house.

Paul addressed this letter to a Church, a group of believers that met in the home of the man named Philemon.

In the midst of our vast modern culture of global churches and missions; in a time when people expect the Church to be a sanctuary where they can get away; in an era when the home itself is a place of fear and dread on the part of way too many people - God calls us back to the idea of the Church as Home.

In our homes, let us worship Christ. And in our Church, let us act more like we are at home with one another. Your Christian fellow-believer is your brother and sister. Now what does it mean to be a brother, or a sister? Do you treat them as such?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

You Deserve to be Treated With Respect: Second Timothy 3 thru Titus 2

We know that the Christian is supposed to be humble. We know that others will try to break us, to get us to renounce our faith. They will do everything from teasing, to avoidance, to gossiping, and all the way up to emotional and even physical abuse, to get us to lose our cool so that we lash out to someone else with angry words.

They would love to get one of us drunk, or to hear us gossip, slander someone else, tell a lie, rebuke our parents.

There is a virginity that has nothing to do with sex. The world and all its non-virgins have as a primary goal, to fill its ranks with as many former virgins as possible. Whatever guilt exists within the hearts of the formerly chaste, is temporarily mitigated by erasing the purity of others.

We are a fallen race. There is no argument here. Look around you! We all have problems . . . even the best of us! There is a problem on earth, and within humanity, and we see its results in sin and death.

We are lowly, and low. And it is our constant tendency to keep others down in the ditch with us! It's too hard to climb out, yet it gets lonely down there, if people start climbing out of the pit by clinging to the Cross.

So we tear down others. We put them down. We tease. We gossip. We stir the pot with words and deeds that divide us from one another. We join political parties. We define ourselves by what we are not (I'm not one of them!), versus what we are (children of God).

Don't let anyone look down on you.

Listen to Paul. We are not doormats.

I look at my life, and wonder how I have ended up so close to where I started. What happened to the potential? The gifts? The talents? Where is the evidence that God provides handsomely for His own?

In my case, it is a weird need to be liked by everybody. But the end result has been that fewer and fewer people respect someone like that. You let people put you down, because you want to be nice. But that just empowers them more. We become doormats that people think they can push around.

And it is hard to follow God's plan when you're a doormat.

Expect, no demand, respect from others. Be kind to them. Love them. But make sure they know that you are a child of God with dignity.