Friday, November 27, 2009

First off: II Peter 3a

Peter wrote his two letters, as reminders to the Church. He urged us not to be distracted. And distractions are many, especially today, in the age of ADD (that's another topic - but my belief is that ADD is more a function of our culture, than it is an individual problem.)

A hundred years ago, most communities had two modes of entertainment: the saloon, and the church. You could focus your weekends on one or the other. And the two stood in stark opposition to each other.

At home, before there was TV and air conditioning, families would while away the evening hours on the porch, telling stories, passing along their faith and legacy from one generation to the next.

There wasn't a lot to do. But what people did do, was of enormous value.

First off, you need to know that in the last days, mockers are going to have a heyday.

So it is in these times. With so many distractions, change happening at such a rapid rate, the 24-7 news cycles, is it any wonder we find it hard to focus?

God knew it would get this way . . . He made us! Peter received a Word of inspiration from God, and communicated it to us in the form of this prophecy!

When I first studied this verse of Scripture, as an adult, it seemed like such a remote prospect: people openly mocking God and His Word! But it is true today. People mock Him not so much in their words, but in their deeds, as well. There is an open defiance of what is good, true, and right. In the West, the Church is in decline. The alternatives appear so much more fun!

So - be not discouraged when you see the world in decay, be it global warming, urban troubles, partisan hate . . . all of these matters need the Master's touch, and they require our patient attention. We need not accept the world as it is. But we can be encouraged that God said hard times would come . . . His Eternal Kingdom follows. Keep watching this space . . .

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