Monday, December 13, 2010

It Begins: Revelation 8

So far, the Book of Revelation reads first like an apostolic letter to churches, and then as a New Testament version of the Psalms. We know, however, that it is taken as a book of prophecy, or future things. In Chapter 8, this begins in earnest.

The cataclysms that mark the beginning of the end, are all in the form of natural disasters, (except for the possible atomic bomb or two!). Fire raining down as hail, a flame as big as a mountain, a possible asteroid strike, the waterways of the earth poisoned, and an environmental disaster brought on by a cloud that blocks sun and moonlight . . .

A third of the earth is vanquished in this first found of disasters.

Science and Scripture come to agreement! Even the most atheistic scientist or ecologist knows that we are in grave danger of a natural, or man-made environmental catastrophe that could take millions of lives. It is perhaps the most popular theme of movies, in our time!

God, the greatest Ecologist and Social Scientist of all time, Who knows us perfectly (because He made us!), knew that this would happen, eventually. He does not have to make these things happen. Revelation may be viewed as a prediction based on observable trends. He also knew the odds of us being pelted by interplanetary bodies: He could forecast that one would hit earth at about the time we became sophisticated enough to destroy the planet all by ourselves!

The first wave of disaster is not caused by God at all! We will either bring it upon ourselves, or it will be caused by random forces of the universe!

But this is only the beginning.

Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth for the remaining trumpet-blasts of the three angels who still have not trumpeted.

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