Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Genesis and Matthew XXV

On that day YHWH cut a covenant with Avram, saying: I give this land to your seed . . . 

Whoever prefers father or mother over me is not worthy of me . . . 

I would love to see this kind of devotion to God demonstrated. That is, a parent making it very clear that they want their children to prefer God over themselves.

It would go like this:

Teenager: Dad, I am planning to become a teacher.
Father: That's great, son. Did you pray about this?

Or . . .

Teenager: Dad, I am thinking of entering the ministry . . .
Father: Praise God!

But rather, we tend to get more like the following:

Teenager: Dad, I am planning to become a teacher.
Father: You don't want to do that.

Or . . .

Teenager: Dad, I am thinking of entering the ministry . . .
Father: Well, you've got to be realistic. How will you afford to pay for your kids' college?

Parents should be aggressively moving their children towards Christian service. Too many parents believe their calling is to raise children that go to church, that are even leaders in the church, as long as they make good money! Because, after all, somebody has got to support God's work!

We need parents who, if they see their child praying and studying Scripture, going to church regularly, that if they wind up on some mission trip to a dangerous land, or engaging in urban ministries, or pursuing a rural ministry that does not pay much; that these parents rejoice, or at least accept that God is in control (He is anyway).

I marvel at the professing Christians who still do not seem to have grasped the simple act of faith, of believing that God is in control, especially when it comes to their children!

God works his plan in families, starting with Abraham's family. We are wanderers, seeking out a homeland that has been promised to us. We have land in our name, that we will occupy. It's all about our family, and our home, and our reunion with Father Abraham and all of his descendants. Nothing else matters.


  1. Sunday school teacher to parent in teacher's class: What would you do if one of your children wanted to go to the mission field.

    Student: I would do all I could to talk them out of it.

  2. That is a failure in our Sunday school programs. It also is a failure of parenting, from the prior generation.
