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Reflectionary VI
Who gives justice to those who are oppressed, and food to those who hunger?
The LORD sets the prisoners free
the LORD opens the eyes of the blind
the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down.
The LORD loves the righteous
the LORD cares for the stranger
he sustains the orphan and widow
but frustrates the way of the wicked.
If I were interested in social justice. . . .
That's all.
If I were interested in social justice, and that was my chief driving passion . . . .
And if I had no particular religious convictions about the matter. If I were a humanist, a Liberal, a Progressive, even an atheist . . . .
If I in fact secretly considered myself superior to these religious people, especially the Christians in their fine homes and comfortable lifestyles, preaching at others about sin and morality, while doing little more than creating some window-dressing as evidence of my charity . . . .
But if the thing more important to me than anything, was that people live in freedom, with all their needs supplied, with all their ills cured, with all their hopes fulfilled . . . .
Then I would swallow my pride and take biblical verses like the ones referenced above (from the Psalms), and create common ground with the millions and millions of Christians on earth - - - a mass of people that want more than anything to be told they reminded others of Christ.
I would cheerfully quote these verses, and with a glad spirit invite my Christian brethren to join with me in bringing to pass these beautiful words from the Bible.
I would put away all of my predispositions regarding lifestyle, orientation, politics, pop culture, morality, for these are all minor considerations compared to the dire needs of the dreadfully sick and starving throughout the world.
I wouldn't let the Christians know that in my mind I felt I was using them. For the needs of those in poverty far outweigh my need to be thought of as intelligent and relevant.
If I really cared about the sick, the poor, those in prison, the homeless, the immigrant, the widow, and the orphan, this is what I would do.
I would put away my personal agenda, and join up with others whose driving passion is also to serve the needy.
And I wouldn't care if they were religious.
I would even force myself to say "Merry Christmas," if it helped the helpless.
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