Friday, June 30, 2017

Who Is That Over There?

“Who is the man over there, walking in the field to meet us?” The servant said, “It is my master.”

 - From Genesis 24

This is a basic theme that is replayed, over and over again, in Scripture:

  1. The Master approaches
  2. His bride covers herself up (in modesty)
  3. Big things are about to happen
Even in the Garden of Eden . . . God showed up and began walking toward Adam and Eve. They were embarrassed, and covered themselves up. A big thing happens. Judgment comes to Adam and Eve and they are sent out of the Garden. 

God approaches Cain, after he murdered Abel, his brother . . . and Cain feels guilty. He tries to cover up his crime. A big thing happens. God banishes Cain to a far-off land.

The three visitors approach Abraham in his tent. They talk about Sarah bearing him a son. Sarah laughs, but then tries to cover it up, saying "but I didn't laugh." Something big happens - - - she has a son, which becomes a foreshadowing of BOTH comings of Christ.

Rebekah approaches the land of Abraham, and sees someone approaching. It is Isaac, her future husband. She covers herself up in modesty. They get married, and Esau and Jacob join the narrative, with their own allegory of the natural man versus the spiritual man. 

When God approaches, we do not always recognize Him. But once He is identified, we want to cover ourselves up. I wonder if modesty is still in vogue, even when it is the Lord Himself coming?

When Christ returns, for judgment and for good, will there be even a modicum of decency left on earth, for people to feel the slightest twinge of misgiving? Will sinners try to walk back everything they ever did? Will they cover up their pasts and their immodest appearance? Or will they mock Him to His face, as they have done most of their lives?

We should cultivate our sense of expectancy. Never let go of the hope that, when anyone approaches from a distance, it may be The Lord Himself. 

Ask boldly: "Who is that over there, walking in our direction?"

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