Tuesday, August 22, 2017


If I hear the voice of the Lord my God any more...

 - From Deuteronomy 18

Why doesn't God just drop the middlemen and women, and just speak to us directly? Why doesn't He just intervene and save us?

Scripture is full of answers to this question. God has said, repeatedly, that if we just follow His commandments, there would be peace, prosperity, justice, equality, and life.

So why don't we just follow His commandments?

Yeah. Right. As if humanity has ever . . . ever . . . once . . . done just that!

But we have seen what happens when people come face to face with God. Moses' face shone so brilliantly, that he had to wear a mask. When Jesus was being transfigured, he shone, probably nearly as bright as the sun.

God is so brilliant, so overwhelmingly majestic, that humans can't handle it for a period of time . . . especially those that lack the faith of Moses, which is all of us. 

So God started sending His messengers, know as "prophets" to speak to us on His behalf. That's where the whole idea of prophet, and even preacher, teacher, Apostle, and pastor, comes from. We can't handle being face to face with God. And we wouldn't listen to Him anyway. Just as well, to send a human.

And elsewhere in Scripture, God defines the authority figures that we should listen to, follow, and heed:

  • Government
  • Teachers
  • Public safety 
  • Pastors
  • Parents
  • Elders
  • Any authority figure
Do I really need hard, scientific evidence, that would prove that society, and all of us, would be better off if we simply followed authority?

But there's more to it than that. The people in that list, also have to serve us.

And we're supposed to treat everybody else as an authority over us. We're supposed to serve others, and treat them as better than ourselves. 

...which brings us back to modern times, and our current problems in society. 

Everybody is okay with the Church being divided. "God calls on us to resist evil."

Yes, He does. But above and beyond that, He wants us to serve others. 

And I don't see anybody willing to do that. 

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