Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving II: Pareto

But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God . . . ?

 - From Luke 17

I believe that the language in God's word is important; the words used, the details. 

In the story of the ten lepers (this was not a parable), Jesus healed all of them, but only one returned to give Him praise, and thanks.

The Pareto Rule states that "most of the results in any situation are determined by a small number of causes." (from Google). More specifically, it has been called the "80-20 Rule," in that 20% of the investment or effort is responsible for 80% of the outcome. Or, 80% of the population makes 20% of the income, etc.

But God is not so demanding. He looks for 10% only . . . and out of that, miracles happen. 

Did you read it right? 

God can work with 10%, and do miracles. 

He only asks 10% of your income. And only 10% of the healed lepers returned to Praise God. That one leper was responsible for one of the most memorable events in History.

Lepers live wretched, horrible lives, in filth, poverty, and squalor. They are shunned from society. When they're healed completely, it's like being born anew. 

When such a life-changing and wonderful thing occurs, it does seem like people would appreciate it. Of the nine that did not return, surely a few of them realized it was because of Christ. And perhaps a few knew they should thank Him. A handful probably intended to go back to praise the Lord. But they never did.

How many people, on this Thanksgiving Day, will really, truly thank God for the life they have been given? For the health? For the accidents avoided? 

Maybe one in ten?

Are you one of the ten percent?

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