Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Servants and Patrons IV

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

 - From James 1

If we are to understand godly servanthood, it helps to look at the basic., fundamental behaviors that God expects of His children. The Old Testament repeats the refrain over and over again. God expects us to:

  • Care for aliens or "strangers" passing through our land. Of course, this idea is quite popular with the modern Left, but only for the political gain it might get them.
  • Caring for orphans. Our modern application of this means, help out single parents, and all kids whose parents are not able to, or won't, provide their basic needs.
  • Care for widows. And again, in modern times, this may include women and men that are divorced, where the divorce left them in hardship.
In other words, take care of your own. If families stayed together and supported one another, if elders always had someone looking after them and noticing them, if kids were give all of the advantages of all the other kids . . . then really . . . what left would there be for us to take care of?

And then the "aliens" part is not just talking about immigrants coming in from Mexico. It's really referring to all people that are not members of your family: treat them well and be hospitable. 

So that's it. 

We need servants because people do not take care of these basics. This is really the role of a pastor: take care of everybody, and shepherd others so that they take care of everybody, too. 

But I believe it starts with your immediate family . . . and then to your extended . . . and then to your distant relatives. This should keep you busy enough; but be ready to help someone local, to whom you are not related. 

And if we all had this attitude, there would be no need for all these federal social programs, so that we could use all the excess that we would surely have, and export our help to needy peoples throughout the world. 

Look for someone doing these things. 

And help them.

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