Sunday, February 9, 2020


. . . let your light shine before others . . . 

 - From Matthew 5

This passage used to scare me. It seemed to be saying that I had to go out and share the Gospel all over the place, otherwise I would be dead. I thought I had to go up to strangers, acquaintances, friends and family, with the awkward refrain "Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?" 

Because, you know, that's what all the celebrity prevaricators tell us we had to do. 

I'm reminded of something Archie Woods pointed out once - that our faces actually emit light. 

Moses came down from the mountain, and he glowed. 

People that had been with Jesus had an aura about them. The medieval artists would try to portray this, with little halos drawn around the saints. 

I once had a conversation with my cousin, Larry Johnson (RIP), in which we talked about the beauty of Christian women. I said "They may not be pretty in a worldly sense . . . there's just . . . " 

"Something about them," as Larry finished my sentence. 

There may be a glow around the saintly, or the righteous. Perhaps that is why the world hates Christians so . . . people want that same glow, without expressing the simple faith it takes, to channel it. 

It's not about asking an awkward question . . . the light that shines before the world is our good works, our deeds expressed in love. Our uncomplaining existence in The Moment. Our positive vibe. Our servant attitude. 

That's much better. When they see your goodness (expressed through your actions), then eventually they will come to say "Oh, he's a Christian." 

And this is how the process starts . . . 

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