Wednesday, November 18, 2020


I will feed them with justice. 

 - From Ezekiel 34

Some day, I want to spend some sustained time, exploring the concept of eating, and feeding - - - food that is not material - - - in the Bible. 

Ezekiel is told to eat God's scroll, or His Word. It tastes sweet in his mouth, although the words are about judgment and destruction which is to come to Israel. In Revelation 10, John is told, also, to eat a scroll. This too, tastes sweet, but it upsets John's stomach.

The bread and wine of communion, are taken through our mouths. 

It is all symbolic of how we are to treat God's word. Eat it, consume it. Let it metabolize and become our very cellular structure. Let our very being be comprised of God's Word, itself. Jesus is called "The Word of God."

The Words of God . . . His thoughts . . . His breath . . . these are all more real, more tangible, than we are. We can consume all of it, and live. 

But in our times; in 2020, the forces of darkness seem overwhelming. They are relentless and tireless. They bring destruction and violence with them, and leave devastation in their wake. They are hungering for . . . what? Something drives them to such desperate ends. Why would so many people participate, so willingly, in what cannot have a good ending?

It think they are driven by a sad desire, simply, to be noticed. Our impersonal world, with absent parents and teachers that are unable to empathize with children, has yielded a generation that is so lonely and abandoned, that they strike out in anger, at anything that looks like the people that hurt them: successful, "happy" people in happy families. In popular culture, these are the conditions upon which classic villains, like Loki, or the Joker, prey. 

They are easy prey. 

But everybody gets filled, eventually. Believers will be filled with God's Word. The end is eternal life. 

God's enemies will be filled with justice. The ones crying the loudest for justice, will get exactly that. They will be forced to feed upon it, and feel the bitter pain of an endless, and miserable, hangover. What feels good does not always result in good. And at some point, violence feels good . . . else people would not engage in it so much.

Eternal life or judgment? Eat ye all of it. 

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