Originally posted Friday, December 17, 2010
Scripture Reference: Revelation 11
The wicked rulers of the earth see it now. They believe that if they can just take it and destroy it, and remove all of God's worshippers from earth, that He will leave them alone! You see - it's not that they don't believe in God. They just want to be free to live their lives unencumbered by His holiness! They want "freedom" to sin! That's all!
There is the old adage - a God without worshipers ceases to exist. This has always been why God's enemies hate His people so much!
But . . .
And the temple of God swung open in the sky revealing the Ark of the Covenant there in His temple, and there was lightning and voices and thunder and earthquakes and great storms of hail.
If the Ark is at least as powerful as it is portrayed in Indiana Jones, then we have a scene here that strikes fear into the hearts of God's enemies. Their frenzy turns to panic. Their cause is now hopeless, and they know it.
I want to see it, to be there at the moment when the Ark is unveiled, from millenia of hiding.