Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Lamb - Do We Really Get This? (TEN YEARS!)

Originally published Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Scripture reference is Revelation of John Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of Revelation - It is an entire chapter devoted to the Lamb that has been slaughtered, and how only this Lamb, of all creatures that ever lived, is worthy to open a mysterious "Book of all Books". Presumably, this is the Book of Life.
Only one Person in all of history is able to read the names written in the Book of Life. Only One Person can pronounce the final destiny of all people, and of the World.

Just as Only One could pay the price for our sins, so could this same One Person be the only one to execute the judgment of the World, to make things right and whole, to provide eternal life to those that have claimed His sacrifice as their own, and therefore, made themselves worthy. The One found worthy, makes us worthy.

In the reading, there is an image of this Lamb of God, standing, with His throat slit. There He is before us, bearing the scars of our sins. We have heard about the holes in his hands, and in his side. Now to this picture is added a gruesome slash across His throat. Do we think about this, or just quickly read through it, and on to the passage which we hope is less graphic and more pleasant?

I regret to say that I have viewed images of this very thing, of humans as well as slaughtered animals. The word "slaughter" is most accurately used in the context of slitting a throat of an animal intended for dinner. When applied to humans, it is particularly revolting. The concept takes on a disturbing and dark aspect. Our Lord was slaughtered, in a most terrifying way. We cannot bear the thought.

It is fitting that the Lamb that was slaughtered should be given the power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.

Not Bill Gates. Not George Soros. Not Joe Biden. Not Donald Trump. Not Xi Jingping. 
Not a 1%-er.
Not a celebrity.
Not a professional athlete.
Not a glitzy, silver-tongued politician. 
The Only One with Power, Wealth, Wisdom, Strength, honor, glory, and blessing . . . is a human, slaughtered like a Lamb for mutton. 
But it is the way it needed to be. Death itself is terrible, and throughout God's Scripture we are reminded of this, again, and again. This is why death is portrayed as so awful. It is why sin is so brutally treated. God never wanted us to sugar-coat death. In the end it doesn't matter how we die. The outcome is the same.

So that the One found worthy of opening the Book, was the one the least deserving of death, but who suffered death in the cruelest and most humiliating way.

His scars. His wounds. His bruises. These became features that we can now look upon without fear or grief. Like badges of honor, they are what make him worthy to be the One to grant us life.

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