For some time, while Saul was king over us, it was you who led out Israel and brought it in.
- From 2 Samuel 5
The word "democracy" gets tossed around a lot these days. Everybody claims it, but in the end they only prefer it, when they get their way. When someone else, or another idea, wins the vote, these people will claim that Democracy itself is under attack.
That's a fail of the Education System.
Democracy is just the rule of the majority, that's all. And the majority can be corrupt. Based on my memories of the schoolyard, Democracy usually is corrupt. A band of kids can decide to isolate one of them - we used to call it "ganging up" - and for a period of time, shun the poor kid. They might even engage in physical violence against the kid. There was no rhyme or reason to it. It strictly proceeded from Groupthink gone awry.
Let's face it: Adults do the same thing. In the workplace. In clubs and associations. Even when it comes to youth sports, as coaches - adults engage in the same childish behavior. We are, at our root, insecure. If we can band with others, we are willing to dispense with some ethical parameters that we know are good, in order to keep the crowd together, and pleased with us.
Bullies operate, by manipulate crowds, in this same way. But even a bully can be turned on by the crowd.
Here we have the nation of Israel. It's boundaries and laws had not been fully codified yet. There was a king - Saul - that had titular reign. He had been popular once, but his weakness of character, over time, showed him to be an ineffective leader.
David, however, based on his life of humility and genuine connection with others, had the permanent trust and esteem of the people. Saul was the official king. But David was the true leader of the nation.
Democracy may get us a titular "leader." But it very well may be that the true leaders are out among us. They do not seek power. They do not desire lordship over others. But the people grant them that level of trust, anyway, based on other things.
There are a lot of reason why someone may win an election. We err in thinking that the winners of these political games are, in fact, "leaders."
Especially in these times of civic discord, we should be careful to find the ones of great character: humility, gravitas, integrity, honesty, genuineness; and treat them as the true leaders they are. We are not required to follow, blindly, the winners of popularity contests and their acolytes.
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