. . . and realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men . . .
- From Acts 4
I'm not going to do into all the details, or the evidence, or the science, to prove it. Let's just take it as something that is axiomatic, that is generally-understood and embraced by reflective people, and that should be (but rarely is) integral to the philosophies of people that fancy themselves enlightened, progressive, egalitarian, unbiased:
Look for wisdom among common people . . . but not from the most highly educated.
This isn't to say that highly educated people can't be wise people. They certainly can be wise. But if they lack humility and an appreciation for the less educated, it's safe to conclude they are fools.
This is a bedrock of the historic miracle that is the United States. Freedom of thought is worthless if it doesn't mean freedom of thought (and speech) for everybody. You don't get to pick and choose whose views are worthy, and whose aren't. Even the most random nonsense may contain some kernel of truth that the rest of us are missing.
I should add, at this time, that I am equating the term "highly educated" with "expert." They are the same.
It's wonderful that Jesus chose uneducated and ordinary men, to build His kingdom. Those that built the kingdom before . . . the politicians of the ancient world, and architects, and wealthy people, and "bosses" did a lot of building . . . they built things that return to dust. Christ's kingdom lasts forever, and He got as far away from universities as He could, in recruiting builders for that kingdom.
Experts have a way of getting the crowds to sort-of worship them. People are insecure. Adults are children. And adults with expertise, money, and power, are in reality, children with expertise, money, and power. The higher your profile, the broader the blinders that let you see the rest of the world.
Freedom of speech is everything in advancing progress. It's a godly thing. God believes in dignity for individuals. The only team, or Body (of Christ) of any value, is the one in which all of the members are equally valued.
Is it possible that the experts of 2020 . . . the builders of society in the past . . . have become too full of themselves. Is there a stone of ancient wisdom that they are rejecting? Are they pushing restrictions against such fundamental necessities as freedom of speech?
What else would "build back better" mean, to someone so rejecting an eternal truth like Freedom of Speech?
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