Monday, November 14, 2022


. . . God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things . . . 

 - From Colossians 1

If God can reconcile humanity to Himself, then all things are reconcilable. The word "reconcile" refers to a bringing together of people that had been in dispute. It also has a financial application. We talk about reconciling bank accounts with other records, like journal entries are sales receipts. 

At any rate . . . when something is reconciled it means there is a happy ending to what had not been so happy, before. 

What a great illustration of God's love, and His plan! Things are pretty bad right now, in 2022. They're out of balance. In the world today, two people can be looking at exactly the same thing. One person sees devastation and pain; the other sees a necessary means to a better end, that could not be realized without the pain. (This is how a person can imagine that high inflation, that causes people to draw deep from their savings, is actually not that bad).

The legal justification for a divorce is probably most commonly: irreconcilable differences. I've always felt like this is why Christians should not get divorced. If you believe that God can reconcile anything, even humanity to Himself, then you have to have some faith that your measly little irreconcilable difference is worth resolving. Life is short. Eternity is never-ending. There comes a time when we are living forever, in an eternal moment. We will look back, surely, and conclude "It wasn't that bad. Why didn't we just stay together?"

Look at the world today. All of our troubles, and all of our evils, all boil down to our resistance to reconciliation, with each other, and with God. This is because we are children in adult bodies. 

It will please God when all things are reconciled. 

People that love strife and turmoil are not going to like Eternity. It's a pretty happy place, where there is no such thing as a politician that calls his opponents "Nazis," "racists," "fill-in-the-blank-phobes," and "fascists." 

That is what it means, to reconcile. 

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