Wednesday, April 26, 2023


. . . they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need . . . . 

 - From the Second Chapter of Acts

Just yesterday, I reflected on this notion of great wonders and miracles being performed by people that simply believed in Christ. 

Now, it may be stated that the Church needed to have such power backing it, in the early days. It was necessary that it grow, and that it grow, rapidly. The Romans, as well as the local religious leaders in Jerusalem, had what it takes to wipe out the movement before it could get a foothold. The early Church was few in number. It also had this problematic pacifist impulse. It was, literally, a lamb rife for slaughter; and was expected to put up as much of a fight as the typical sheep. 

But here in Acts 2, we have perhaps a key ingredient (several, actually) that must be present if you want to see signs and wonders performed - things like healing the sick, drinking poison, handling snakes . . . bringing the dead to life. 

It may be argued that a growing community of people praying and supporting each other is miracle enough. We should not discount this. Considering the propensity of humanity to operate according to political intrigues, to be self-oriented, to be prone to exhibitionism and voyeurism, to mis-define the concept of "love", etc. . . . it indeed is marvelous for a movement devoted to serving others, to grow. 

The secret to rapid Church growth and the practice of great miracles is listed in Acts 2. And one of the points is that the believers literally went out and sold all of their possessions, and then shared the proceeds with the entire community. Everybody was taken care of. And everybody took care of everybody else. 

In 2023, that means more than just making sure others are fed. You must also house them. You care for them when ill - - - meaning, you do not hide from, nor cover your face while in the presence of, a person that may have an infectious illness. You get them health insurance. You be present for them. You commune with them. You be their friend. 

If we all would do that. Or . . . even if only 10% of us did that . . . I am persuaded that you would see miracles on the order of the first generation Church. 

But who is willing to do that?

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