Monday, April 22, 2024

TEN YEARS GONE: Doing good, Indeed


First Published Thursday, January 9, 2014

Reflectionary XV

...he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed.

As Peter indicated in Acts 10 (above), immediately after Christ's baptism, he began His ministry. The first phase involved a demonstration of His legitimacy. If God is Love, and God is the Creator; If He holds all things in His hands, then His Son would have to demonstrate His mastery over nature. As humans we worry about ourselves most of all (this is why we are such good complainers), and so Jesus struck a blow right at the focus of our thoughts: ourselves, and our ills.

Notice that He didn't begin with the brutal scene at the Cross. He didn't start by commanding the weather, or walking on water. His first act wasn't to raise Lazarus. He didn't even begin with the Sermon on the Mount. He began by doing "good" things: helping others, healing the sick.

This is what it took to establish His authority, to get the attention of the masses, and to gain some traction in building the Kingdom.

Imagine the good things He did. Perhaps He:

* Helped gardeners plant, water, weed, winnow, sow
* Helped an animal stuck in some briars
* Took an old person out for a walk
* Hung out with the children of a widow
* Helped out servants, so they could take an early break
* And then, He got around to healing people:
 - Broken arms fixed
 - Fevers reduced
 - Rashes removed
 - Coughs relieved
 - Sight and hearing restored
 - ADHD removed
 - Alcoholism and drug abuse defeated
 - Cancer stopped
 - Hunger addressed
 - Ignorance reversed
 - Thirst quenched
 - Hate melted

The first thing Christ did, is the easiest for us to match.

Go out. Go about. Do good. Help people.

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