Friday, January 31, 2025

TEN YEARS GONE: What's Possible?

First Published Monday, May 12, 2014

Really, Now . . . What's Possible?

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. "Look," he said, "I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!"

 - Acts 7

I read this passage today, and maybe for the first time, it hit me:

Stephen actually saw Jesus, who had died, rose again, and ascended into Heaven.

What conditions were necessary for him to see Jesus? First, he had to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And next, perhaps . . . he had to be close to death.

But what is this faith that, when it is full and complete, actually enables people to see Jesus; not a vision, not a dream . . . but Jesus himself? Whatever it is, Stephen had it. He believed completely, without an ounce of doubt. His mind, heart, and soul had been so emptied out of worldliness and doubt, which enabled the Holy Spirit to fill him completely, so that he could see the eternal realm.

What do doubters think? They will insist it was a dream. Or maybe he saw what he wanted to see: The clouds were in a formation that made the sunlight brilliant, and as he looked up, in a state of emotional euphoria (brought on by too much oxygen), the branches of a tree, or bird flying overhead, looked for a moment like the silhouette of Christ. Or maybe he made it up. Maybe Stephen lied.

But what would be the point of that? When we finally get it right, or that is, when God finally reveals the true plan of salvation for humanity, you can expect this sort of thing to happen. These things happen because Stephen's belief was powerful enough to make it so. We only know a slight fraction of the wonders of the Universe. Why do we make excuses when something comes along we can't explain?

Stephen believed . . . and saw. And we take it as true because . . . we believe.

And perhaps the Son of God will likewise reveal Himself to us, at a time we do not expect!

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