And so on the 6th day of each month, which, in January is the day following the Tweflth Day, I'll provide some background with limited commentary.
On the Seventh Day, we may focus on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit:
It is also suggested that we receive instruction in the seven sacraments. Now granted, these are the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. But upon further reflection we may well consider how all Christians may elevate the role of each, in their daily walk:
Historically, also, January begins the Forefeast of the Theophany.
And so the 7th day of Christmas, New Year's Eve, gives us a chance for one more secular type of celebration. Of course, in our culture, there will be many opportunities to do this, from college bowl games to New Years Eve parties. I would suggest that, this year anyway, all readers of this blog avail themselves of a New Year's Eve party. And if you are not invited to one, have your own! Or visit some local watering hole that will be open.
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