Monday, January 2, 2017

He Carries Me

In his love and mercy he redeemed them;
    he lifted them up and carried them
    all the days of old.

Isaiah 63

I am excited to revive my Reflectionary blog this year. I hope that my four readers enjoy it.

The year begins with me having endured an on-line pommeling, for expressing my emotions about the danger of auto traffic, and the too-real hazards of being in an accident. 

People said I was too "preachy." Hmm . . . 

How many would-be preachers never enter the ministry, because nobody wants to be considered "preachy"? Most people just don't want the trouble. Research shows that most people just want safety and security. There are very few outliers. Unfortunately, in our times, the outliers seem to have the advantage. 

The Mainstream is being tugged along by the nose, by people on the fringe. 

But our first promise from God this year, is that He will "carry us."

In the midst of all of the trouble and discord . . . surrounded by people that want to violate us in the most fundamental of ways: they want to silence us - - - God promises to carry us.

The advantages to being carried by God are numerous:

If you are under attack, yet at the same time comfortably in the arms of the Lord, then He surely will take our case. Remember that.

In our on-line angst . . . just remember: God is carrying you. Let HIM deal with it. Say a prayer. Get your guidance from Him. And if no answer comes, it's because He wants you to just forget about it. Give it time.

In my post this morning, about the auto accident in our neighborhood, two people confronted me, and as I said, accused me of being "preachy," (the first thing to notice is . . . these are the same people that consider it a virtue if you don't care what others think). 

But someone very close to me, that I really trust, called me, and called me out. On her advice alone I deleted the comment, and then wrote a more gracious comment regarding the accident, with an apology.

But let me move on forward a little bit. My response was to take my things and go climb up into God's arms. As soon as I read the Isaiah reading above, from the Lectionary, I received a notification that someone had posted a response to my apology. She said that I did not need to apologize, that I had done nothing wrong. 

That was God carrying me. 

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