Wednesday, May 10, 2017


But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, 

 - From 1 Peter 2


This is treacherous language for our times. Maybe, for any age.

Peter has just singled out the Church as being "chosen."

He told them they are a "race."

And that they're "royalty."

And a "priesthood."

And "holy."

And a "nation." 

Let's break this down.

Chosen - People do not respond well to anybody suggesting that they have been singled out, by . . . Almighty God. "Who made you the judge over me?"

Race - Don't go there. Don't be stating that your race is in any way special. And yet, in this case, the race is a community of races.

Royalty - As in, 1%.

Priesthood - See "chosen."

Holy - I don't think so.

Nation - Did you see that? They just claimed to have loyalties other than to their own country!!!

Do you think that this, right here, is the real reason people hate the Church? And when you figure in the idea that so many members of the church are "uneducated," "deplorable," "bigoted," etc. Well, it just gets you into deeper water.

But what is the point of all of it? Let Peter say it:

" order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

So yes, Peter has said some lofty things about Believers. He also has given them an immense responsibility. 

If you want people to do great things, you have to make them believe they can do great things. Everybody needs encouragement, and if, in our times, anybody ever needed encouragement, it is the Church in 2017.

No worries. Christians really do not believe that they are that great. Forget any bluster you think you see. They actually are plagued by self-doubts and a sense of being insufficient. They really are a great target for people that love to taunt others.

So much the more reason, for a servant-leader like Peter, to build them up. 

A final point - - - The Church may be everything Peter stated. But also, the Church is an organization that anybody can join.


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