Monday, December 18, 2017


I will keep watch to see what he will say to me, and what he will answer concerning my complaint.

 - From Habakkuk 2

Advent is about waiting, and waiting is not something that humans are good at. 

When we get good at waiting, we reach to a higher level of dignity, and even, of evolution. It is a great virtue for humans. It elevates us. Waiting requires us to think of others ahead of ourselves.

The inability to wait creates road rage, "unwanted" babies, divorce, terrorism, war. A lot of diseases would go away if we were better at waiting. 

For one month out of the year, the believer is given the specific task of waiting. We practice waiting during the month of December. But we don't even do that very well. 

We can't wait until December 25, to open our presents. We hurry through all of our appointments and parties, treating the 25th, not like the realization of God's promise, as we should, but as a deadline. And we frantically push ourselves and others to get a set of tasks completed by midnight, as the 24th gives way to the 25th.

That's not waiting.

During what's left of Advent 2017, just stop. Just wait. 

And enjoy.

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