Sunday, December 24, 2017


...the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret ...

 - From Romans 16

Why did God keep important eternal truths from us? Why did He keep things secret? Why does He toy with us so?

Well, at least that's the way most skeptics that I have known, would frame it. Consider elementary education. You can't teach derivatives to a classroom of 4th graders. You will fail. They'll hate math even more, and they'll start off life with a sense that they are doomed to failure. You keep that information from them. You reveal new doses, one at a time. In effect, you make a secret of derivatives. This isn't cold. It's not heartless. It's wise, and fair. 

That doesn't mean there haven't been people, through the ages, that could handle the truth right away. These are rare people that emerge in history as prophets or great philosophers. But in some cases, these naturally-gifted people with insight have used their knowledge to fight God, to resist Him. They think too much. They have dropped the critical element of faith, and through the exercise of their limited intelligence, seek to diminish God. 

Christmas is the great mystery, the secret. 

God knows how we love a mystery. He made us people that loved childhood, and that were drawn to the magic of things like Christmas. And so, the most important revelation in human history became immersed in the most wonderful magic possible to human creativity. 

God made it so . . . so that we could appreciate and love it all the more. 

"Christmas is for children. But aren't we all children, Christmas day?"

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