Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Thoughts and Prayers X

That the generations to come might know, and the children yet unborn;  that they in their turn might tell it to their children;

 - From Psalm 78

In our times, we have reaped what happens when we don't teach our children. It's the result of being disengaged from the schools, the teachers, and the kids.

An ancient philosopher, I think Socrates, said "The questions are: Who is teaching the children, and what are they teaching them?"

I think its a valid question: Does God answer prayer? And then, all of it's corollaries - How does God answer prayer? What should we pray for? Should we pray for victims? Survivors? Shooters? Teachers? Law Enforcement? Safety? Healing? Justice? Vengeance?

Parents? Extended families? Churches?

Politicians? Celebrities? The NRA?

Others? You? Me? 

For Christ to hurry up and return?

I think people miss the point of prayer. The fact is . . . we want people thinking and praying. And if all they do is just talk about doing it, but don't actually think and pray . . . then we still want them talking about it. It's a good thing. 

A tragedy refocuses us on the important things. And even it it is only for a moment, at least in that, we get a moment of positive energy and of empathy. What doesn't do any good, is criticizing anybody's response to tragedy or grief. How does that help, really? 

So: think and pray.

These negative reactions are coming from people with heavy influence over our kids.

Teachers. Pop singers. Professional athletes. Celebrities. 

The Thoughts and Prayers Deniers have the advantage. They are on their toes. They're organized and motivated. And they are making kids feel like the superstars of our generation. Where's the counter-force? Where's The Other Viewpoint? Doesn't creativity flourish where minds are open and ideas are uninhibited?

Our "Bully Culture", and it's sibling, our "Gang Culture" have conspired to knock out the one thing we really need:

Thoughts and Prayers.

Stop. Reflect. Listen. Speak quietly. Listen some more. Reflect some more. Meditate. Create. Think. Listen.


And get your kids in on it.

 . . . . . .

This is the last in my series on "Thoughts and Prayers." It is the middle of Lent.

The next time someone says "Thoughts and Prayers don't work," then I urge you: Stop what you're doing.

Go think.

And pray.

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