Saturday, May 12, 2018

Shame and Grace IX

 They are like trees ...

 - From Psalm 1

There's a solitary dignity to the Man or Woman of God. Scripture, and History, is not replete with tales of the great deeds done by crowds, or mobs, or packs. Usually, the mob commits evil. 

Humanity honors the Solitary Man. Neil Diamond could not have written a great song about how wonderful is the mass of people. 

There is little to respect, in the joining of a crowd. Bet when you set yourself apart, especially at some risk to yourself, now you are worthy of admiration. 

The Psalmist describes the person of faith as being like a tree. Now . . . trees in a forest are majestic, but they still stand apart, on their own. You can easily spot a single tree, anywhere you look . . . they do not blend in with their surroundings, not really. Each tree is different.

But the wicked are like chaff: uncountable specks of dust that are easily blown away by a small breeze. I don't know why we want to be like that. Why do we even care about movements, or marches? Be yourself!

So it is with my Forty Days of Grace idea. I can't even get one of my five or six regular readers to respond, with a written post to this thread, encouraging me to do it. Apparently, the suggestion that we be nice to each other, in our times, has become a risky thing to promote. 

If you are reading this, please encourage me to post the Forty Days of Grace to my almost two thousand Facebook friends. I will not do it unless some one of you . . . be like a strong and mighty tree . . . and encourage me. This is one thing I will not do without encouragement. 

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