Thursday, July 12, 2018

True or Fake VII (RV)

 . . . but only what is useful for building up . . . 

 - From Ephesian 4

I have struggled for some time now . . . how to deal with the sincere concerns of Trump-haters. So many of them are church-goers, and a good number of them have switched churches or stopped going all together. One devout Christian friend of mine has even started visiting mosques. 

Maybe the Trump-supporting Christians are not helpful, with their attitudes. They voted in Trump because they felt he was the only one that listened to them. But now they're not listening to Trump haters. Everybody's at each other's throats because no one will listen. 

But the Trump-haters . . . . 

They keep using language like that they "loathe" him. They can't stand him. And they're all certain that it's exactly like it was in Germany in the 1930s. 

But it's this dividing themselves from family, friends, church, etc., that is the most troubling. They use language that can only rip relationships apart. Whatever problems we are having with Trump, whether real or imagined; and the problems we had with Obama, which now appear to have been mostly imagined; they all would cease to be operational problems, if we would refuse to be divided. 

True or Fake? If something's false, aren't I supposed to resist it? If something's true, shouldn't I insist upon it? But if we do this, we create un-bridgeable divides between families, friends, churches. And this is the very essence of evil. God loves unity, and hates division.

Both sides have diametrically opposite interpretations of True versus Fake. 

Paul has a great suggestion: focus on only what is useful for building up. 

Not whether or not Trump or Obama are building things and, and what to do about it.

Not insisting the other person build up others. 

You build up others, and use only language that will do that. 

And reject language that doesn't.

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