Friday, November 2, 2018

Be Right VIII

Put not your trust in rulers, nor in any child of earth, for there is no help in them.

 - From Psalm 146

It has been said that "religion" is the cause of most of history's wars.

This is a convenient analysis for skeptics. But it doesn't explain how Hitler invaded England, to expand a religion. It doesn't elaborate on how the American Civil War was due to one section of the US, wanting to expand it's state religion over the other. 

Can it not also be said that romantic "love" also caused a great deal of wars? And yet we don't hear politicians seeking an end to lustful behavior behavior. 

We can perhaps agree that most wars were started by a handful of political rulers that could not solve their problems peacefully. A famous scene in the motion picture Shenandoah shows a grieving Jimmy Stewart talking to his deceased wife's,, Martha's, burial plot; he says, of war, "The politicians are the only winners."

We may not be able to blame any wars on Science. But Science certainly is largely responsible for the great divide today, widening between two great cultural factions of the American people. Science, you see, has decided to insist on people choosing sides. Are you with me, or against me?  Or you pro fact, or pro error?

And woe be to they that choose other than Science! Yet . . . as we have shown, the faithful are the most scientific of all, for they allow the existence of all reality, including that which Science has not yet discovered!

Our problems are largely due to choosing one leader or the other; one party or the other. People demand that we choose. 

It's a good thing Trump ran for President. Now we know which of our friends are actually horrible people. 


There is no help in trusting worldly leaders. And there's a whole lot of trouble.

We wisely place our trust in what is real. The real information, the truth, is not found from some human. All the other humans are going to disagree with out chosen human, anyway. But God . . . the Creator . . . the Watcher . . . the Overseer . . . He does have the truth. And we can only handle small portions of it at a time. 

He has said that the greatest truth is Love . . . and that Love "believes all things."

That's good, right? When you believe all things you are free not to choose sides in temporal politics. You can be on both sides. 

Since God, too, is on all sides of every issue (he is on YOUR side, if you are with him), then we can be on all sides, too. And the cornucopia of perspectives you will expose yourself to, will continually enhance your understanding of Everything. 

"To the Romans, I became a Roman; to the Greeks, a Greek. To the Jews, a Jew."

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