Sunday, April 7, 2019

Resurrection: Lent XXI

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection . . . 

 - From Philippians 3

We really discount the power of the resurrection. It is the most compelling theme in all of Scripture.

Rudy Giuliani wrote "Weddings optional, funerals mandatory." Besides being great advice for prioritizing our time, it also indicates the near-obsession we have with life and death issues. We realize death is a very, very big deal. Almost every day on Facebook, someone reports a death - - - a marriage, a pet, a loved one. Without doubt it is perhaps the singular life event that grabs each of us by the jugular and does not let up.

And yet, all of Scripture addresses this theme, over and over again. Death is regarded as The Problem of and for humanity.

The curse upon Adam wasn't so much being cast our from Eden. The main feature of the curse (the penalty for sinning) was death!

Now, we can argue about whether or not God is loving, or just, in allowing death into our lives. Some will argue that one death is more unjust than another . . . . in fact, we all will die and it will have the same effect on each of us, in the end.

But we will die, nevertheless. It is our Big Problem. And face it . . . it dominates all of our decisions and thoughts, from nursery to grave.

And God has taken care of it. It's all right there, in Scripture.

So why aren't we more excited about it? I would estimate that 80% of all sermons have to do with making us feel better; more affirmed; safer; welcomed.

But that's not The Problem. The Problem is that we're mortal. And God has taken care of it for us!

Paul wanted to know the power of Christ's resurrection. He bet everything he had on wanting to be raised up . . . from DEATH! . . . at the last day.

Not being whisked off to a floating, breathy dream in the way-off yonder!

Paul was eager to lay his head down in the sleep of death, and then . . . like an instant! . . . wake up to see his Lord, and his loved ones, never to die again.

The Power of the Resurrection!

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there's a saying: We have a Hulk.

In the pantheon of comparative world religions, there should be a similar saying: We have a Resurrection.

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