Sunday, April 14, 2019


Lord, send us now success.

 - From Psalm 118

There was a very popular book about fifteen years ago, called "The Prayer of Jabez." It talks about an obscure figure in the Old Testament - a man named Jabez, who asked God to increase his territory, and God did. We can boldly ask God to protect us, and prosper us. He might just do it.

There's s much about sacrifice and service during Lent; denial of self; putting other first. So that, it's a relief finally to get on the good side of things. We've gone through troubles and want. But according to God's promise, we're going to win in the end.

Jesus rides into Jerusalem, as King. He finally is being recognized by a growing throng. By the end of the week, He'll be dead, and the crowd will turn against Him (we really should think twice about joining any mass movement - that ought to be a red light). But although a major setback occurred, Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem, riding a donkey, truly was the beginning of His Kingdom. Something good, and divinely promised, began that day . . . and it was never going to be turned around.

Over the course of history, the movement just grew, and grew. Even though it is the most hated movement in the world, it would grow just the same.

We may have to wait a very long time. But God brings us success. We're on the winning team and Christ is King now.

So go ahead and ask for the success. It doesn't hurt to try.

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