Monday, May 27, 2019


The rulers of the earth belong to God . . . 

 - From Psalm 47

Ascension Week. It is six weeks since Easter, forty-three-plus days, and now comes the time for Christ to ascent to His Father, to the Eternal Realm where the entire timeline of history is there for His viewing . . . like you or I would read a book, or spin a globe.

Imagine those forty days, the last period of time where the Apostles will see Jesus bodily. Once He leaves, they will only know His presence, the promptings of Holy Spirit . . . His Word, His nudging us one way or the other.

They have had about six weeks with him.

In the next six weeks, I will wrap up a school year, travel to Cleveland for a family reunion, build two lesson rooms for our music studio, prepare programs for the second half of the summer, travel to western Illinois for another family reunion, enjoy July 4th, and prepare to travel to Oklahoma for a third family reunion this summer.

Six weeks will fly by.

Peter, John, James, and the rest of them had only six weeks with Jesus. They thought they had received a lot of wisdom and training from three years in His ministry. But now a lot would have to be crammed into six weeks. At the start of it, it seemed like time enough. But as the days proceeded, they began to realize how rapidly the time was flying.

But then Jesus did something no other world leader has ever done, or ever will (under their own power): He ascended to Heaven, to live forever and assist His Father with the end-times preparations.

Of course the rulers of the earth belong to God. We all belong to God. What person, in history, from the most to the least powerful, could add immortality to his or her own lifespan?


This is the proof any of us ever need, that there is a God . . . the fact that we can only do so much, and if we are to do any more, we're going to need help.

The help is from God.

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