Wednesday, May 8, 2019


She was devoted to good works and acts of charity.

 - From Acts 9

There was a woman in the early Church; a widow with some means and an artistic streak, as evidenced by her skill in making cloaks. 

In her widowhood, she devoted herself to good works. There is no retirement for the faithful. She provided clothing to them that needed it. The other widows in the community considered her a leader and a role model. They depended on her for a lot. Her spirit and reputation preceded her. She was well-known and admired in Joppa, site of modern-day Tel Aviv.

But she became ill, and died. This was such a crisis that word was sent for Peter, who was presently in a nearby town, to come without delay. He prayed, touched her hand, and she came back to life. The healing power of Christ was now evident among regular people like us. With faith, even the dead were brought back to life. 

The woman's name was "Tabitha," or Dorcas. The name means "Gazelle." 

The charitable person is an active person, a swift and even joyful site to see. They bound back and forth in their communities, doing their good. Going from one need to the next. They are tireless. And when they are gone, they are missed, terribly. 

I wonder . . . if we could return to the faith of Peter, would the dead be raised again?

If we committed ourselves to caring for the needy, for our entire lives, would be appear as gazelles to those around us?

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