Friday, July 26, 2019

So Long (RV)

Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.

 - From Luke 11

George Harrison wrote:

My sweet Lord, Oh my Lord! I really want to see You! To Know You! To go with you!

 . . . but it takes so long!

Yes, it does. It can take a lifetime. 

A friend of mine gave up on his search for truth, and to fellowship with God, decades ago. He read some writings that raised great doubts in his mind. The crux of his failing faith, was his understanding that the first generation of Christians had every reason to believe Christ would return in their lifetime. But He didn't.

It has been twenty centuries. He still hasn't come back. That's like, sixty generations. 

It takes so long!

I want to tell my friend that he can doubt for as long, and for as intensely, as he wants. But God has promised to give, to reveal, to open everything to him, if he would ask. My friend should just ask God to address his doubts. And ask again. And ask again. 

It takes so long! 

But it doesn't take too long. 

My life's lesson from God has to do with waiting . . . for a very long time. I'm almost sixty, and for half a century I've had a clear idea of my calling. I knew what it was. I can see it clearly. I can even touch it in my mind. It is like the rewards of my life mission are right there before me, even now. I am enjoying the realization of God's plan for me.

I can see it. I can touch it. But no one else can. But here, in my sixth decade, it is coming together now, for others to see .And soon it will begin to benefit others . . . it is a ministry. It serves others. My life's mission is something for others. And soon they will touch it, too.

I believe in God's promises. His promises include a caveat: You might have to wait. 

He's right. God is accurate. I have had to wait. But He is good on His promises to us. 

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