- From Isaiah 55
A little handful of people today, in the US and other westernized parts of the world, have been committing violence against people and property, now for over a month. Every day.
It is said that they are trying to tear down western culture, capitalism, the nuclear family, faith, historic concepts of honor and dignity.
One of the first goals of revolutionaries is to remove icons of the old ways. Topple the heroes. Turn the good into evil. Make things topsy-turvy.
Take George Washington. Among his many virtues, was his famous principle not to seek power, but to accept it only as a last resort. After two terms in office he retired, although he could have continued as President for life, had he chosen. He set in place a golden precedent that lasted for 150 years: two terms and out. This trait is so rare today, that we would consider something to be wrong with the ambitious politician that practices it. But since he participated in an institution that was common in the 18th Century, and had been since the dawn of time, he is being toppled today, both figuratively and in reality. If Washington was bad, then political ambition must be good.
Remove our monuments and memorials, and perhaps our memories, too, will be removed, of the values represented in the memorial. Future generations are asked to remember something about the honored person. What? And why? When we see an image of President Washington, we should be aware of the positive things that he represented.
They even want to remove representations of Christianity.
But Isaiah recorded that nature itself is God's monument. The water cycle of nature: the rain comes down, waters the earth, gives growth to plant life, and then returns into the heavens in the form of clouds, where it begins all over again.
God's plan, likewise rains down. His Word goes forth. Justice, peace, and plenty come forth. God's plan returns to Him in perfect fulfillment. There's a continuous spiritual cycle that spreads His love and His plan around like seeds, which are planted in good soil and nourished. The full growth comes forth finally, in the eternal Kingdom of God. Nature has it's storms, as does human society - but storms too are part of the process that thins the earth's produce and ensures the full spread of water and the strengthening of life. We are in such a storm today.
When you look about and see beautiful tree-covered vistas, you are looking at God's monuments. Nobody will ever tear it down, permanently. There will always be more plant life bursting forth. There is no end to the reminders of God, all about us.
Read "My Prelude to 2020" here.
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