Wednesday, February 8, 2023


If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God . . . and [observe] his . . . decrees, and ordinances ... 

 - From Deuteronomy 30

Commandment: The act of directing authoritatively, as from a superior officer in the military. 

Decree: An order usually having the force of law.

Ordinance: Something ordained or decreed by fate or a deity.

These three terms seem redundant. Their meanings are very similar, and only represented vague shadings of the same thing. But Scripture, from cover to cover, has left out countless details in its many narratives. There is a lot that has not been recorded, that frankly, would be nice to know. 

Therefore, the little bit that is left must be very important, and highly relevant. 

God was very deliberate in admonishing us to observe, and follow faithfully, his commandments. But not just the commandments. We must also follow His decrees, and His ordinances

Let's pick them apart a little, and see what specific point is being made. First, we are commanded to do and be certain things. We do not have a choice. We must do what we're told whether or not we feel like it. Second, what we are required to do, is not arbitrary nor based on a person's whim. It has the force of Law. Laws do not change much over time, if at all. They are etched in stone, especially if they are natural laws. They have the gravitas of Science. If you break these laws, there will be consequences to yourself. If you follow them, both you and your community will be at peace, and will thrive. Third, and finally, these commandments are ordained. Ultimately they are not found in a document written by human hands. They come to us directly from God. They are to be written upon our hearts. We should know them as we know our own hearts. 

Our attitude should be that - we are so committed to God's commandments, that it's as if they were our own. We came up with them. We articulated them. We believe in them. They were our idea. 

I came up with them. They were my idea. I am committed to them. 

Something like that. That's what it means to write them on your heart. They are your own. 

God shouldn't have to use redundancies to get us to obey. His rules should be the framework for our own identities. Our own self-worth. Our own sense of safety and security. 

And then . . . we are finally free to be who we really are. 

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