Monday, March 6, 2023

Remember Not aka "Forget"

Remember not our past sins . . . 

 - From Psalm 79 

Of all the things that God can do . . . and He can do anything . . . perhaps the most marvelous is His ability to forget something. Just as He can create something out of nothing, just by thinking about it, so can He send a wrong committed to oblivion, making it so that it had never happened in the first place. 

That's what is meant by the concept, that God forgets our sins. He forgives . . . but then He forgets. 

We talk about that when it comes to humans . . . "forgive and forget."

We act as if it's even possible. Hey don't worry about it. I have forgiven you, and I forgot it ever happened. But that's impossible. It is as impossible for us actually to forget a wrong someone committed against us, as it is for God to remember something that He has forgiven. 

So the practical solution is . . . to pretend like we have forgotten. In reality, we have not. We can not. But as we are to become imitators of Christ, we must will ourselves to behave as though the wrong done to us never happened. 

The result is: we become people of true grace. Even as grace means being forgiven even though we don't deserve it; so do we practice, by extending grace (forgive and forget) others, even when we can't. It is the path for imperfect humans to approach the throne of God. It's how we get ourselves into His presence - - - by doing what we do not want to do; what we cannot do - - - anyway. 

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