Thursday, March 2, 2023


God changed his mind . . . 

 - From Jonah 3

The notion that God has inconsistencies is a particularly vexing one. We need Him to be consistent, because, I guess, that's what you would expect from omnipotent beings. In others places of Scripture, it will say that God "never changes."

How do we square it with this account from Jonah? God changed His mind. He did NOT wipe out Nineveh, as He said He would do. He left very little wiggle room for Jonah, in preaching the message to the Ninevites. Tell them that, in 40 days, everything and everybody around them, will be gone. 

But lo and behold . . . He changes His mind. They became particularly repentant, and moved God. His compassion got the best of Him. They might return to their wickedness one month from now. But lately, they have been my pride and joy. I will spare them.

So there remains these three: faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love. 

Inconsistent passages present us with exceptions. And the exception proves the rule. What would be an example of when God changed His mind (was inconsistent) and what exception to God rules would be the one that not only varies from the rule, but which one actually proves the rule?

The greatest of these is love. If God declares that He will wipe out an entire nation . . . but later on, reneges, what would be His reason?

In Jonah's case, the people actually did repent. They actually did change their ways. They had thumbed their noses at God, and He pronounced the death penalty upon them. He judged them . . . and an irreversible punishment was the apparent result. 

But God loves us. He wants us to turn around. He does not want us dead. And even though we may rebel again, later on . . . still, at this moment we are as He prefers us, as He made us. And for now all is well.

When God changes, it's because He loves us. And the greatest of these is love. 

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