Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Little More About Extended Family

"And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others?"

 - Matthew 5

The Lord continues on urging us to get out of our box and serve others. Just acknowledging someone else is perhaps the most fundamental act of kindness available to us. It also creates a constant supply of opportunities to do way more than others: "Greet more than just your brothers or sisters."

I am in the middle of a project to learn the names of every one of the 300 5th and 6th graders in my building. As the word got out that I was doing this, more and more of the kids will walk up to me and say "What's my name?" When I remember, it makes their day. When I forget, it obviously disappoints them a little. But I keep working at it and that shows that I am committed to them. It's a very basic, fundamental way to show kids that I care.

I am reminded of the classic response when it is suggested you should get to know extended family, or to remember departed loved ones:

"Why would I care about people I don't know?


"Oh that's just a bunch of dead people."

But the Lord says: "You greet your brothers and sisters. Good for you. Now do the same for people you don't know."

Our family and extended families are automatic training grounds for serving others. Unlike friends, you may not have any automatic shared interests. There is nothing that binds you together in a way that motivates you. But you are bound together more fundamentally than that: by nature, by DNA. The Old Testament shows a God that really cares about the organization of family groups. 

When someone is introduced as your Fourth Cousin: rejoice! You have an excellent opportunity to show instant, unconditional love for them, by being thrilled to meet them! I believe that that is why they are there.

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