Monday, February 8, 2016

Our Part

"Why should it be said among the peoples, `Where is their God?'"

 - Joel 2

Before getting to this concluding question - Why should it be said "Where is their God?", Joel first talks about a horrible judgment coming, in the form of an army larger than any ever seen before. And then it goes on, that the people should repent, and that they should all come together, from the very old to the very young, and petition the Lord for forgiveness.

And then Joel says that God will turn around instantly, and His blessing will be even greater than the people deserve.

And so today: We're nearing a point (if not there already) where people are mocking God's people: "Where is their God?" Or better yet - "Why would a loving God blah blah blah?"

But have we repented? What about our divorces and our adulteries? What about our cheating, our withholding funds that could go to the poor? What about our sick divided denominational priorities?

Have we fasted? Have we spend hours in prayer? Do we put people ahead of money, jobs, games, TV, raunchy music?

Where is God indeed? Where are we?

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