Say to those who are of a fearful heart,"Be strong, do not fear!"
- From Isaiah 35
So, servants live a life of the utmost peace. They live confidently. When you serve others, you are rewarded many times over. Perhaps the most valuable reward, is the sense that you really matter. Each day . . . you have truly mattered. You made a difference - - - A Real Difference (not a fake difference).
If you are a 99%-er, than you have the task of making a difference in the lives of the 98%ers, all the way down to the 1%ers. But 1%ers are responsible for helping the 0%ers. We all have a role. We all can make a difference. And we all will feel rewarded and fulfilled, when we do that.
There is no fulfillment in asking a percentile higher than you, to help you. You can, of course. You may be forced to. But if all you do is ask for help, without ever helping others, yourself, you will miss a great experience, and will have lost the moral authority you will need, when asking for help.
Yes, their lives are fulfilled and peaceful. Yet they still have to keep one eye open all the time. They have to look over their shoulders all the time. They are vulnerable to predators, because they believe in peaceful solutions. If they are realistic, they will always have an element of fear.
Let's look at on-line behaviors. Servants, and people of peace, do not believe in using vulgarity and insults, when interacting with others. They view such language as a form of violence. You can shut up a servant, on-line, for instance, by dropping f-bombs. Act angry, use the "f-word." That feels like a violent threat to a servant. They will back down. They will continue on their way, courageously, but they may be less likely to speak their mind. And we need to hear what they have to say.
What can a patron do, when a servant is being attacked on-line?
Stand up for them! Call out the offender!
Do you really believe you would go against the crowd that shouted "Crucify!!"
Really? Do you stand up to on-line bullies and their unacceptable language?
It's a very easy test for us. My money is on the defender of servants. Bullies back down when they see that even two people are standing up for the person they just cruelly attacked.
There are servants all around us. They get mistreated. They scrimp and save and live from paycheck to paycheck.
If you don't want to be a servant, be the next best thing: a patron.
We all enable something. Enable something good - enable servanthood.
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