Sunday, September 30, 2018

Show Up! V

Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit on them!

 - From Numbers 11

When Moses called all the elders together, to help him run the nation by delegating his responsibilities to them, there were two that hung out in the camp, without going all the way in to receive the Lord's spirit. Their names were Eldad and Medad.

They were out among the people preaching, encouraging, and making connections. Soon the spirit of the Lord came upon them as well. But some that were in the big meeting with Moses were jealous. Here were these two guys that failed to make the meeting, and they were already being highly effective in motivating the people. What were they doing with God's spirit?

They showed up.

Showing up means going where the need is. It's going where you didn't plan to go. It's changing your plans. It's stopping to help someone along the way. They didn't need to go all the way into the tent-meeting . . . they were already working the mission. 

It isn't surprising that God blesses people that show up. You get a little extra power, a little extra help, a little extra support. You get empowerment. 

We've got to get over our bumper stickers and placards; our marches and voter drives; our anger and divisions; our power and politics. These methods, that can garner us attention and a lot of "likes" are not helpful to the people that need it most - the people God placed in our path; our friends and family. There are plenty of needs there, and if we think there's something more important or urgent than that, we are sadly mistaken.

We've got to show up.

Someone told me, on Facebook, the other day, how he "ran" to South Korea, because I guess he didn't like the US. He has a background of a father he was not close to. I do not know the details, but when old enough he took his mother's maiden name. "Ran" is a good word. This young man suggested that he is really making a difference in South Korea. He likes their politics better. And he hates an awful lot about the US. But does he hate the US . . . or does he hate the reality of basically having no Dad?

He left behind others that may have been similarly affected as him, by the very same things. He left them behind. He fled a country that probably still provides him support he cannot name. He left the people that will unconditionally love him. It is good that he is doing good in Korea. But his life choices stem directly from a refusal to help out where he was placed. 

Showing up means doing what needs to be done, now. You cannot show up by running away. 

Show up. 

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