Sunday, January 6, 2019

Loyalty VI

All kings shall bow down before him . . . 

 - From Psalm 72

I have often wondered why doubters and cynics can't just act as though there is a power greater than themselves. Why not leave some space for what you do not know?

If there is a perfect person among us, then it would be foolish for the rest of us not to do whatever that person says. But then a perfect person could prove it, by being immortal. Wouldn't perfection entail perfect knowledge and morality, as well? Isn't corruption and death an indicator of lack of perfection?

But if the person is not perfect, then he is foolish to act as though he understands everything.

Therefore, it is logical for us all to operate as though there is One greater than us.

Snarky artists play around with Christmas songs, to make them more politically correct. They take the power of the original intent and language).

Don we now our pride apparel.

God rest ye merry, Christian folks

Born that all no more may die.

Little baby, pa rum pum pum pum . . . 

"Little baby"? The idea isn't that it's just some ordinary baby being born!

A baby changes everything, indeed!

It's the Baby, Jesus!! The King of Kings has been born!!

Why wouldn't the plan of the ages, a plan that erases injustice and disease, and hunger, a plan that abolishes death forever, be accomplished by a great hero that is like us in every way . . . but also one to whom the praise of all history is due?

Even if there's a chance that it's true, why wouldn't we jump for joy that it's been done!

There is a King of Kings. He has been born. And this baby will change everything! This is where loyalty begins. You can be loyal to someone that you can trust. And as in all things, you practice your loyal to Him, by being loyal to imperfect humans, unconditionally.

Loyalty is the glue that holds it all together. It is the thread of society. And it is ultimately the guidepost to such things as justice, health, and happiness.

We need more loyalty. Why should evil people be the only ones loyal to each other?

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