I will bring your offspring from the east, and from the west I will gather you; I will say to the north, "Give them up,"and to the south, "Do not withhold; bring my sons from far away and my daughters from the end of the earth.
- From Isaiah 43
Our eternal reward is linked to family. So many times, we are promised a reunion with all of our descendants.
Even the wayward ones? The prodigals? The rascals?
I think, yes. That is the nature of my reward. Childless women are even promised children that number as the stars in thy sky. If our reward is eternal, and God's possibilities endless, then large families area piece of cake.
Since there is going to be a great family reunion anyway - - - (this is the aspiration: family, and not some hormonal college frat party throughout the ages), then shouldn't we direct our thoughts, our goals, our loyalty . . . back to family?
That grandfather that we remember as being, basically, a racist - - - that ancestor that we now know to have been on the wrong side of 21st Century sensitivities . . . still, for their time they may have been okay, and eternally may have had their faith in the right place. You want to be there . . . you want to enjoy endless lifetimes immersed in the justice, freedom, and equality you crave.
The key is found in loyalty to family, to elders, to the wisdom that comes with years of living.
Politics is a horrible reason to divide friends and family.
Let's elevate loyalty to its rightful place in our enumeration of essential values.
- Next: "Authority"
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