Thursday, October 3, 2019

Drawn Close Lately? Hebrews 4: TEN YEARS of REFLECTIONARY

Originally posted on September 6, 2009

I read somewhere, that Sence has proven that we never use more than 15% of our brain's total capacity. Think about that for a second.

What does this mean? What could a fully engaged, 100% active brain do? The science-fiction buff in me shudders at the possibilities: mind-reading, levitation, telekinesis, foretelling the future, etc.

How many fully-activated brains would it take to solve the world's problems? Could a cure for cancer be devised in an instant? Could cancer even be thought-away? Could our 100%-brain-manipulated words persuade Bill Maher into quitting and, maybe, becoming a world-class Christian evangelist?

Maybe this is something God understands about us. It's why He didn't want us eating of the Tree of Knowledge. Maybe it contains vitamins and minerals that give us 100% brainpower, and we are not good, pure, and holy enough for that yet!

No, our brains are way underutilized, and will continue so until God bestows spiritual bodies upon us at the Return of Christ.

But what about another source of power that we never tap into? What about the throne of grace? God begs us to meet with Him there. Do we ever do it, though? We have a standing invitation from the Creator, to meet with Him. All of our answers are there. Grace and healing is there for the taking. Power that is greater than an entire brain, is there for the asking.

Then let us confidently draw near to the throne of grace and receive the mercy and find the grace that can give us timely aid.

I have not, if ever, been to the throne of grace. I've been close to it. I've reached out, perhaps, and felt its warmth. I have seen it from afar. Where John Wesley's chest was "strangely warm" once, mine has moved into lukewarm, maybe, a time or two in my life.

The writer of Hebrews says to go confidently to the throne of grace.

I don't know how this is done. I think you should be on your knees. I think you should have no other distractions. Having studied the Word of God recently can't hurt. Being around other Christians, that also long to touch the throne, helps.

But you have to try.

There is not a problem that God cannot solve. He is all around us. He is never far away. He sees it all and reaches out His hand. The problem isn't with God. It's with us. We need only focus on Him, notice Him, reach out to Him, and He will not disappoint. We are the ones that need to move.

Go to the throne today. Confidently. Go.

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