Sunday, October 20, 2019

Spiritual Meat: Hebrews 6 - 10 YEARS of Reflectionary

First posted on September 18, 2009


I remember many years ago, gathered around a campfire somewhere, talking about people, events, and the Bible. There were about a half-dozen young men there, all between 16 and 26 years of age. We were very close friends. I believe it happened at Camp Shockley outside Francis, Oklahoma.

We got onto the topic of doctrinal distinctives of this, that, or the other denomination.

Inevitably, we all agreed that it was good that we understood the Bible as well as we did. Our understanding of the deeper things of Scripture meant that we had the special favor of God. He would bless our efforts to evangelize. We would grow in power and influence. We would not fall. Our faith (or so we called it) was firm.

What were these special doctrines? They were the points on which we differed from most other Christians, of course! We are only human, children really, that desperately need to be different from others (notice me!). A sense that we are different, in this case "right," gives us a sense of security when Judgment Day comes. But, is God going to judge us, based on how well we knew our own distinctives?

We patted ourselves on the back. We were feeding on Scriptural meat; raw, tough, manly beef! Yes, we were rugged all right!

But what is, actually, the spiritual meat, the "solid food" discussed in this Hebrews passage?

Solid food is for adults, who by conditioning have acquired senses trained to distinguish right and wrong.

The writer lists the basic foundations of faith, the "milk":
  1. repentance works that lead to death
  2. trusting God
  3. the washing and laying on of hands
  4. the eternal judgment
  5. the resurrection of the dead.
Those are the basics, the milk! The very stuff we considered "meat"!

So what then is the solid food from Scripture? Very simply, to follow Christ and walk in his steps! Is not love called "the greatest of these" by Paul? We get people into Church, and face to face with Christ, through the message of judgment, baptism, repentance from sins, etc. But far too many of us go no further than basic doctrines.

Christ called us to the higher things, the solid food - the part on which we all agree: that love conquers all! That humility and service to others is really what it's all about!

Leaving arguments and divisiveness aside, we press on to gentleness and selflessness - the most difficult step of all, yet the most simple. And there is no place at all, in the feast of the solid food, for divisions.

Our ancestors disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Have you noticed that children have a much easier time than adults, in doing good? Kids are out playing, enjoying life. Even Hitler was once a child playing in the schoolyard! Adulthood changes us, presents us with a myriad of alternative paths to follow. We are bombarded with images of violence and immorality all the time: we gain the knowledge of good and evil! And we usually choose the evil!

We are not ready for this knowledge, so death had to be the outcome.

The Christian that feeds on the solid food of love and selflessness becomes one that can be presented with good and evil, and not be warped by it.

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