Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Faith Without the Word? Hebrews 4 (Ten Years of Reflectionary)

2019 Comment:  I remember that I invited a trusted mentor to begin reading "Reflectionary."  When he got to this one, he reflected to me: "Maybe you'd better not be writing this stuff and making it public."


First published on September 5, 2009

I marvel when professing Christians act worldly. You know you're acting worldly, if you are behaving like children. Throwing tantrums, getting your feelings hurt, insulting others, insisting on your way . . . these are immature behaviors. They are not godly, and they are not Christlike.

When you see a professing Christian acting this way, you may reasonably conclude that this person has not been reading (studying, meditating upon) his or her Bible.

I know myself, that when I am behaving inappropriately, it is because I have not been studying the Word.

A teenager expressed her doubts to me, that God is real. She complained that God hasn't done anything good for her, ever. But I also know that this particular girl does not read her Bible. It is not a habit to her.

The Bible is the Word of God. And the Word of God is Christ. Whatever you believe about who Jesus Christ is, chances are you admire his words and deeds. It stands to reason that, if you read about him, and learn his teachings, you will be influenced by him. You will become more like him. If you want to be more like Christ, fill yourself with Him by reading the Bible!

If you have doubts, or questions, or difficulties, read the Word!

For the word of God is living, active, more cutting than any double-edged sword, and penetrating enough to sever soul from spirit and marrow from bone, while it judges the thoughts and passions of our hearts.

What then, you say, about Bible-thumpers, people that think they are better than others because they have "the truth"? How do these narrow-minded people, that read the Bible every day, fit into this model of the "Christ-like Bible student"?

The answer is simple. It is because they, indeed, study the Bible narrowly. They only see passages that fit their assumptions. They read "proof-texts" only, and skip the sections that address behaviors and beliefs that they should change in themselves.

You can spot these people easily in a Bible study. They will refuse to discuss difficult passages that would require them to examine their own lives. But they come alive when an essential doctrinal verse is discussed. How they love the Bible, when it agrees with them!

You cannot live in Christ, without studying his word. In essence, you are what you read, and many of you have not been reading good stuff. It shows in your behavior.

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