Friday, April 3, 2020


 . . . my cry of anguish came to his ears. . . . 

 - From Psalm 18

The world is embroiled in fighting a common foe. When has this ever happened before?

Usually, we fight against each other. But this time, the way out of our predicament, is to cooperate.

Now, think about that for a minute. Personally, I believe, as do millions of others, that there is a metaphysical component to this notion, that there is power in unity. When Christians are united, as one, (as our Lord prayed we would be), nothing can stop us. There are spiritual forces that we do not understand; God's mastery of Nature; His Word that creates worlds; His breath that gives life, become ours to use - - - if we simply come together, in unity, in agreement, in humility, and in faith.

But there is power in unity, even if God's Holy Spirit is not in the mix. Scientific research has demonstrated the great leverage in groups, even small groups, with a carefully-honed team ethic. The result is greater than the sum of its parts. We all know that. We know it's true. We've seen it.

Organizational behavior psychologists know it to be true as well. They consult with corporations and governments, charging exorbitant fees, to help them develop high-performance teams.

Now, in our times, with the capability for everyone on the planet to connect, wee are tested with an enemy that is sweeping across every continent. A small margin of people will develop horrible symptoms, and succumb to it. What could be more terrible than a slow suffocation?

But the great majority, the remainder of those that will live, do not know whether or not they are carriers. We have had to shut the world down, in order to fight this enemy.

And yet . . . unity is our way out.

People persist in attacking each other, bitterly, mockingly, in social media. Every personal attack against each other empowers our enemy.

With such an existential threat to us, we can't even cool it, on-line. We've even started blaming each other for the virus.

Who started it?

He did!

They did!

Why isn't it defeated yet? 

Because of his mismanagement!

Because of their concealment of the facts!


If we get over ourselves, we will win, sooner rather than later.

If this doesn't get us respecting each other, what will?

God hears the voice of one of us. He hears my anguish. He hears yours.

Imagine the effect, if we all come together, as one, and ask God's intervention. What if we all stood up, a great number of humans, as one, and said "God . . . we don't know what to do. Please take over."


On Wednesday nights, until Covid is gone, we are meeting at 10pm, EDT, in prayer, unified, from all over the world, together before God's throne of grace.

It is the Global Moment of Prayer. Find details here.

And please be a leader . . . make the ire, the bitterness, the mindless hate, just, stop.

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