Sunday, September 20, 2020

Parent (United)

 . . . the life of the parent as well as the life of the child is mine . . . 

 - From Ezekiel 18

The Gen Xers have eaten sour grapes, and Millennials' teeth are set on edge.

Actually, that's not the way it should read. Ezekiel 18 sets itself up this way:

"The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge." This was a Proverb used in the days of Ezekiel, used as an excuse for the wild and violent behavior of the young people. Apparently Israel had become a nation that had lost its way. It no longer stood for peace and safety, and freedom. It was no longer virtuous and prosperous. 

The young people took it upon themselves to visit retribution against the sins of the forefathers. They took to the streets. They valued nobody, and they valued nothing. In the end, everybody, young and old, got swept under a tide of violent and brutal occupation by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and then Romans. 

God rejected the Proverb making the rounds, like He rejects excuses we make today, for the violence in the streets, and untethered hate we express to each other. 

Here's a good reason to practice unconditional and sacrificial love to each other: 

Because we love our elders, and we love our children. 

When you start tearing things down, from reputations to brick-and-mortar, you invite invasion from people that hate your freedoms, individuality, and prosperity. Our divisions become targets for the machinations of outside interests . . . which are constantly seeking ways to expand their global footprint. 

Before he died, my Dad said "I will be okay. I'm just worried about your mother."

We promised him she would be okay.

And then the world started making itself unsafe to our most vulnerable. 

Stop blaming other generations. Stop finding excuses for your violence. We are still, and always, responsible to treat all others with kindness and love. This is the path to the justice and peace that you seek.

If there is no other reason for our kind behavior, do it for this reason:

You want peace and safety for your kids . . . and your parents. 

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